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Strategies and technologies to achieve a European Fossil-energy-free agriculture

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Report from the brokerage event

Report with information on the groups of stakeholders finding common room for new FEFTS developments

Multi-media material

Multi-media documented lessons-learnt from successful innovation processes (short, handy reports; video or audio material for each case), including best practices.

Report from the transnational workshops

Report with information on opportunities for funding crossborder collaboration in FEFTS innovation and potential projects to be funded

Report on mapping of networks/groups about FEFTS

Mapping of the clusters networks and OGs in FEFTS and other EU initiatives and identification of their fields of competences

Report on farmers' needs, innovative ideas and interests

Aggregated report on farmers needs innovative ideas and interests including ppt presentation tailored for specific actor groups in the value chain especially the producing industries

Report on Events and general Dissemination activities

Report describing all dissemination activities and including all relevant material will be produced with special focus on the three regional workshops per region the three transnational workshops and brokerage event in Brussels Leader INI M21 for regional events M27 for transnational events M36 for brokerage event

Available financing tools in EU agriculture (2nd update)

The 2nd update of Deliverable 214

Report on AgroFossilFree links with EU-wide initiatives

Recommendations on the articulation between the AgroFossilFree and all EUwide initiatives

Report on scientific papers on FEFTS (2nd update)

The 2nd update of Deliverable 22

Report from the regional workshops

A report that collates eight regional reports for the three regional innovation workshops with the outcomes of workshops about FEFTS utilisation in the 8 hubs and the similaritiesdifferences between regions

Recommendations on FEFTS future research

Report of recommendations from AgroFossilFree on FEFTS future research in European Agriculture

Training and advising FEFTS material (1st update)

The 1st update of Deliverable 211

Data Management Plan & Support Pack (update)

Update of Deliverable 62

Report on industrial FEFTS solutions

A structured report and a database of relevant industry productsapplications on FEFTS based on the methodology established at D11 updates every 12 months

Report on scientific papers on FEFTS (1st update)

The 1st update version of Deliverable 22

Report on scientific papers on FEFTS

A structured report and a database of the scientific papers based on the methodology established at D21 updates every 12 months

Report on current energy use status in EU agriculture

Review report of the situation of energy mix in European agriculture analysed based on farm type size geographical position energy consumption level etc providing an analysis of the main areas where novel FEFTS could be applied to increase the pace of defossilization

Online content report (update)

The update of the online content report

Available financing tools in EU agriculture

structured report and a database of relevant financing mechanisms updates every 12 months

Training and advising FEFTS material (2nd update)

The 2nd update of Deliverable 211

Dissemination Strategy

AgroFossilFree Dissemination Strategy will outline the project assets the target groups the communication tools to use for different audiences and the planning of foreseen actions

Online workshops reports

Report combining the results of the 3 online workshops and giving the progress of the community interest on FEFTS in agriculture and the members participation in using the AgEnergy Platform and its assessment tools

Report on research project results on FEFTS

A structured report and a database of the European projects based on the methodology established at D21 updates every 12 months

Dissemination Materials

As common dissemination tools project material will be developed afore M6

Second Batch of Practice Abstracts

The resulting innovative knowledge and easy accessible enduser material from this project should feed into the EIPAGRI website for broad dissemination The enduser material to be produced contains a substantial number of summaries for practitioners in the EIP common format practice abstracts including the characteristics of the project eg contact details of partners etc A second set approx 30 of practice abstracts will be produced containing all the outcomesrecommendations which are ready for practice

Report on research project results on FEFTS (1st update)

The 1st update of Deliverable 25

Report on identified policy gaps and policy guidelines

A review report for the identification of the policy gaps to be used as input to policy guidelines. A series of policy briefs will be developed in the form of crisp and focused documents focussed each on 2-3 key messages to be easily and quickly grasped by the target groups.

Report on Events and general Dissemination activities (1st update)

The 1st update of the report on Events and general Dissemination activities

Training and advising FEFTS material

structured report and a database of relevant training and advising material on FEFTS based on the methodology established at D11 updates every 12 months

Report on Events and general Dissemination activities (2nd update)

The 2nd update of the report on Events and general Dissemination activities.

Report on research project results on FEFTS (2nd update)

The 2nd update of Deliverable 2.5.

Online content report

A report presenting the website functionalities and content creation operation and maintenance activities for the AgEnergy platform as a whole The report will be delivered twice once in M12 upon the delivery of the platform and once at M36 end of project duration

First batch of Practice Abstracts

The resulting innovative knowledge and easy accessible enduser material from this project should feed into the EIPAGRI website for broad dissemination The enduser material to be produced contains a substantial number of summaries for practitioners in the EIP common format practice abstracts including the characteristics of the project eg contact details of partners etc A first set approx 20 of practice abstracts will be produced containing all the outcomesrecommendations which are ready for practice

Available financing tools in EU agriculture (1st update)

The 1st update of Deliverable 214

Report on industrial FEFTS solutions (2nd update)

The 2nd update of Deliverable 28

Report on industrial FEFTS solutions (1st update)

The 1st update of Deliverable 28

Report on framework, methodology and standards

A framework for innovation processes analyses will be developed and harmonised with D21 in exchange with the lead partners from WP2 Secondly a methodology and assessment templates will be elaborated proposed to partners and discussed as guidelines and backbones for the Tasks 13 and 14 in order to ensure the collection of data in a homogeneous way and avoid misconceptions

Networking facility

A Permanent Networking Facility will be developed enhancing networking potential of relevant communities and matching of the supply and demand side

Decision Support Toolkit

A fully operational version of the tool will be available in M20 in a private section of the platform and extensive optimization will take place with various case studies utilizing WP3 outcomes The optimized tool will become publicly available in the platform in M28

Virtual test bed and collaboration tool

A Virtual test bed and collaboration tool will be developed for the inclusive demonstration and assessment of the identified solutions The tool with act as both a content aggregator and a single point of entry for endusers

Decision Support Toolkit (update)

The update of the Decision Support Tool

Data Management Plan & Support Pack

This deliverable will be a report that will specify how research publications and data will be collected processed monitored catalogued and disseminated during the projects lifetime It will also include a Support Pack with guidelines explaining how they should practically apply the guidelines during their research activities which software tools and services they should use and how they can align the project requirements with their institutions standard practices and systems


AgroFossilFree - Strategies and Technologies to Achieve a European Fossil-Energy-Free Agriculture

Author(s): Balafoutis, A., Vaiopoulos, K., Sørensen, C., Manolakos, D., Koutsouris, A., Papadakis, G., Borzecka, M., Bisevac, V., Creupelandt, D., Roman, J., Oudshoorn, F., Rossi, D., Próchniak, M., Tsiropoulos, Z., Brinks, H., Caslin, B., Colmorgen, F., Rutz, D., Sneij, J., Zarranz, M.
Published in: Proceedings of the EUBCE 2021, 2021, ISBN 978-88-89407-21-9
Publisher: Centre for Research and Technology – Hellas (CERTH)

Strategies and Technologies to Achieve a European Fossil-Energy-Free Agriculture: The AgroFossilFree Project

Author(s): D. Rutz, V. Hofmeier, C. Ma, R. Janssen, A. Balafoutis, K. Vaiopoulos, C.A. Grøn Sørensen, D. Manolakos, A. Koutsouris, G. Papadakis, M. Borzecka, V. Bisevac, D. Creupelandt, J. Román, F. Oudshoorn, D. Rossi, M. Próchniak, Z. Tsiropoulos, H. Brinks, B. Caslin, J. Sneij, M. Asin, M. Zarranz
Published in: Proceedings of the EUPVSEC, Issue Proceedings of the 38th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition 2021, 2021, Page(s) 1691 - 1693, ISBN 3-936338-78-7
Publisher: WIP Renewable Energies
DOI: 10.4229/eupvsec20212021-7dv.1.25

Strategies and Technologies to Achieve a European Fossil-Energy-Free Agriculture

Author(s): Athanasios T. Balafoutis, Konstantinos Vaiopoulos, Foteini Vandorou, Dominik Rutz, Chuan Ma, Claus Aage Grøn Sørensen, Michael Nørremark, Dimitris Manolakos, Alex Koutsouris, George Papadakis, Vasiliki Kanaki, Magdalena Borzecka, Vanja Bisevac, Dirk Vansintjan, Julio Román, Arne Grønkjær Hansen, Daniele Rossi, Elisa Tomassi, Martyna Próchniak, Zisis Tsiropoulos, Mike Kaminiaris, Harm Brinks
Published in: Agrivoltaics Conference 2023, 2023
Publisher: Agrovoltaics Conference 2023

Energy Use in the EU Livestock Sector: A Review Recommending Energy Efficiency Measures and Renewable Energy Sources Adoption

Author(s): Bas Paris; Foteini Vandorou; Dimitrios Tyris; Athanasios T. Balafoutis; Konstantinos Vaiopoulos; George Kyriakarakos; Dimitris Manolakos; George Papadakis
Published in: Applied Sciences, in the Special Issue 'Defossilised Energy Supply and Energy Efficiency Measures for Sustainable Rural Development)', Issue Volume 12, Issue 4, 2142, 2022, ISSN 2076-3417
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/app12042142

Design and implementation of a Decision Support Tool to assist the ranking of fossil-energy-free technologies and strategies for a given farm

Author(s): George Kyriakarakos, Athanasios T. Balafoutis, Konstantinos Vaiopoulos, Manan Abdul, Michael Voskakis, Michail D. Kaminiaris, Zisis Tsiropoulos, Dionysis Bochtis
Published in: Smart Agricultural Technology, 2023, ISSN 2772-3755
Publisher: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.atech.2022.100169

Farmers’ needs, ideas and interests on the adoption of fossil energy free technologies and strategies in the EU

Author(s): Bas Paris, Vasiliki Kanaki, Alexandros Koutsouris, Athanasios T. Balafoutis, George Papadakis
Published in: International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 2024, ISSN 1478-6451
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/14786451.2024.2326454

Energy Use in Greenhouses in the EU: A Review Recommending Energy Efficiency Measures and Renewable Energy Sources Adoption

Author(s): Bas Paris; Foteini Vandorou; Athanasios T. Balafoutis; Konstantinos Vaiopoulos; George Kyriakarakos; Dimitris Manolakos; George Papadakis
Published in: Applied Sciences, in the Special Issue 'Defossilised Energy Supply and Energy Efficiency Measures for Sustainable Rural Development)', Issue Volume 12, Issue 10, 5150, 2022, ISSN 2076-3417
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/app12105150

Energy use in open-field agriculture in the EU: A critical review recommending energy efficiency measures and renewable energy sources adoption

Author(s): Bas Paris; Foteini Vandorou; Athanasios T. Balafoutis; Konstantinos Vaiopoulos; George Kyriakarakos; Dimitris Manolakos; George Papadakis
Published in: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Issue Volume 158, April 2022, 112098, 2022, ISSN 1364-0321
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2022.112098

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