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Support the TRANSITION towards the BIOeconomy for a more sustainable future through communication, education and public engagement

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - Transition2BIO (Support the TRANSITION towards the BIOeconomy for a more sustainable future through communication, education and public engagement)

Reporting period: 2022-01-01 to 2022-12-31

As demonstrated by a number of studies, awareness, knowledge and education on sustainable production and consumption, are important factors determining behavioural changes towards a more sustainable lifestyle. Despite the important investments, strategies and action plans implemented at Regional, National and European level, the 2018 revision of the European Bioeconomy Strategy states that “increasing public awareness and knowledge about all areas of the bioeconomy remains one a major challenge, which the European Commission aims to address by supporting communication initiatives to raise awareness of the environmental and socio-economic impacts of the bioeconomy and bio-based products, and its benefits, such as more green jobs”.
Additionally several EU funded projects and initiatives have been developed across Europe, over the last decade, to raise awareness, communicate and educate on the Circular Bioeconomy and its environmental and socio-economic impacts, addressing a wide range of target audiences, through tailored communication and education activities implemented at local, regional and national level.
Transition2Bio has built upon the most relevant communication and education EU funded projects and initiatives integrated packages of activities addressing a wide range of target stakeholders in order to:
● Valorize and exploit sectoral communication tools and activities developed at national, regional and local level by EU funded bioeconomy projects and other relevant initiatives
● Raise awareness on bioeconomy at large and the related environmental and socio-economic impacts for European citizens through communication activities
● Contribute to the transition towards a more sustainable production, consumption and lifestyles through engagement and education activities
● Contribute to the deployment of the regional bioeconomy strategies by providing Member States and Regions with methodologies, mentoring, capacity building, tools and materials to raise awareness and communicate bioeconomy (contributing to action 2.3 of updated EU Bioeconomy Strategy)
● Facilitate the identification of the educational and training needs towards the creation of an innovation ecosystem for bioeconomy (contributing to action 2.4 of updated EU Bioeconomy Strategy)
● Strengthen the European Bioeconomy Network to maximize the collaboration among and impacts of EU-funded projects in bioeconomy (contributing to action 2.3 of updated EU Bioeconomy Strategy) Transition2BIO is promoted by the founders of the European Bioeconomy Network, an alliance of projects and initiatives promoting Bioeconomy. The project partners are involved in the most relevant communication and education EU funded projects (BIOVOICES, BLOOM, SHERPA, BE-Rural, Biobridges, LIFT, NEXTFOOD, BoostEdu, etc) and initiatives like the European Bioeconomy University.
Transition2Bio performed the following activities:
• 6 Transition2Bio toolkits (1. An introduction to the bioeconomy and its benefits for all of society; 2. The bioeconomy and its contribution to more sustainable production; 3. Communicating and supporting the bioeconomy; 4. Toolkit for primary schools teachers: communicating and supporting the bioeconomy) developed and published on project’s website for the wider public
• 1 validation workshop in December 2021 with 20 experts
• 1 Transition2Bio library
• 5 educational and communication activities organised in the context of Large-scale events
• 7 Hands-on labs for kids
• 4 Educational info games: 1 Info-Educational game (Online version of the Book for kids); 1 gamified experience; 1 memory game; 1 quiz competition on bioeconomy
• 18 teachers’ training webinars
• 3 competitions for schools and students (at National and International level)
• Transition2Bio social media channels animation – 10.588 followers reached (@BIOVOICES in Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn)
• 1 capacity building package (two languages: English and Italian)
• 3 Workshops about the the capacity building package
• 5 co-creation workshops with hosting institutions for the definition of the bioeconomy skills
• 2 Mobilisation and Mutual Learning Workshops of the EuBioNet, which was animated and strenghtened both in terms of number partners involved and in terms of engagement of relevant initatives and media partners
• Development of a Communication and Dissemination Plan (e.g logo, brand manual, claim, etc)
• More than 70 communication and dissemination activities have been carried out
In spite of the pandemic situation, and related restrictions, the project Transition2Bio managed to reach its expected impacts.
Transition2Bio is cited among the most successful EU projects about Awareness and Education in an European Commission publication. To promote the transition towards more sustainable production, consumption, and lifestyles, Transition2BIO organized in total 14 large-scale events in various settings in 6 countries (IT, BE, PT, SK, GR, DE), reaching more than 26 thousand participants despite COVID-19 restrictions.
Transition2Bio is the project which many others EU projects watch at and refer to for activities and developed products and relations.
Almost all products will be used in new running HORIZON EUROPE projects, among others: GenB, BIOEASTUP, ShapingBio, BIOBEO, Engage4Bio,