CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
DSS for disease and pest monitoring in vineyards and olive groves based on the OPTIMA DSS from the OPTIMA H2020 project and integrating epidemiological models
Comprehensive full Data Management Plan DMP that will detail which data the project will generate whether and how it will be exploited or made accessible for verification and reuse and how it will be curated and preserved
To write information in the EIP Common format based on previous knowledge objectives and expected outcomes of the project ALL M18We expect to deliver at least of 40 PAs covering the 4 technical WPs 2 to 5 for both crops olives and vines
Quality PlanReport with the definition of the Quality Plan which will be released in order to ensure the correct quality on management during the project implementation
Best practice guide: Ethics and Social implications for NOVATERRADuring the first months of the Project the Social Sciences Humanities and Ethics Committee will be created with the main objective of reviewing and reanalysing the ethical implications of the Project and the possible impacts to be monitored at the Social level To meet that objective this committee will design a Best Practices Guide in ethics and social implications for the NOVATERRA Project The Best practice guide will be sent to the entire Consortium during the first 6 months of project execution and presented at the first General Assembly This information will also be available in the private section of the website available to partners and Stakeholder Advisory Committee SAC
Development of an internal NOVATERRA communication manual that facilitates correct communication by NOVATERRA Members and which will include project website design logo social media visual identity and newsletter templates created
Correira, S; Guerra, C, ; Tomás, I; Manso, J; Graça, A
Published in:
Extreme viticulture: from a cultural landscape to an economic and environmental sustainability, Issue VII International Congress Mountain and Steep Slopes Viticulture, 2022, Page(s) 65, ISBN 978-989-704-471-7
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD)
De La Fuente, M., Fernández-Calviño, D., Tylkowski, B., Montornes, J. M., Olkiewicz, M., Pereira, R., Cachada, A., Caffi, T., Fedele, G., De Herralde, F.
Published in:
Grapes and Wine, 2022, Page(s) 44-64, ISBN 978-1-83969-643-5
Othmane Taibi, ,Irene Salotti and Vittorio Rossi
Published in:
Plants, Issue 12(16), 2938, 2023, Page(s) "Special Issue ""Advances in Induced Plant Defense and Biological Control""", ISSN 2223-7747
Valeria Altieri,Vittorio Rossi, andGiorgia Fedele
Published in:
Plants, Issue 12(19), 3430, 2023, ISSN 2223-7747
Author(s): Sacristán, Gonzalo
Published in: Grupo Interempresas
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