Periodic Reporting for period 2 - REVIVE (Tracing Hominin Occupations of and Migrations through the Levant: Reviving Paleolithic Research in Lebanon)
Reporting period: 2022-12-01 to 2024-05-31
One of the world’s best geographic study areas to enhance our poor understanding of these hominin dispersions and interactions is the region which lies at the cross-roads of the three Old-World continents, i.e. the Levant. At its heart is Lebanon, a country whose rich Paleolithic record remains practically unexplored as initial investigation attempts were forcefully stopped almost half a century ago by the outbreak of the civil war.
In close collaboration with the Lebanese Directorate of Antiquities (Ministry of Culture), the REVIVE project has started to revive Paleolithic research in Lebanon to help us understand the different hominin migrations and dispersals and to shed light on how our species finally managed to spread across the whole world and become the only hominin species alive today.