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PERIOD - PERASPERA In-Orbit Demonstration

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


Project website

Project website for providing information about the projects objectives progress and results allowing grand access to the general public as effective way to continuously disseminate and promote the projects progress list of publications and publishable reports The project website will also serve as a gateway to a private password protected collaboration platform for the consortium partners The website will be continuously updated during the project lifetime and will be maintained for a minimum of one additional year after the project end

Data Management Plan - Issue1

An appropriate strategy for data management will be defined at the beginning of the project in accordance with the Grant Agreement and Consortium Agreement and will be reported in the Data Management Plan The plan will provide a general outline of the consortiums policy for data management

Data Management Plan - Issue3

Update of Data Management Plan Issue2

Data Management Plan - Issue2

Updat of Data Management Plan Issue1

Initial Communication Pack

Collection of initial dissemination and communication material eg digital and print media

Dissemination and communication plan

Plan to identify and organise the activities to be performed in order to maximise the impact of the project and to communicate the right information to the right people at the right time using the right language and taking into account the dissemination needs of the project at each stage of its lifecycle

Dissemination and communication report

Report summarising all dissemination and communication activities and their impact

State of the art & review of previous OGs

Summary of the State of the Art and a review of the results of previous SRC PERASPERA OGs relevant to the PERIOD project

Communication Pack for project legacy

Collection of final dissemination and communication material presenting the project results achievements and outlook on future activities eg online and print media

Digital and printed dissemination material

Eyecatchy and attractive dissemination material such as the project logo posters banners leaflets and infographics to structure the visual identity of the project Printable material with information for different target groups to distribute at conference venues while digital copies will be used for online publications articles and other references such as local and international press In addition video material illustrating the PERIOD project Demonstrator concept and the mission scenarios will be generated

Integrated Proof-of-Concept Demonstration

Demonstration of the integrated pre-developments within a demonstration scenario representing as much as possible the established mission, operations and system concepts.


A methodology for electromechanical evaluation of multifunctional interconnects for on-orbit servicing demonstration

Auteurs: Yüksel, Mehmed; Jankovic, Marko; Brinkmann, Wiebke; Saffer, Jona; Schoo, Christian
Publié dans: Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation (ASTRA), Numéro 1, 2022, Page(s) 1-9
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7319796

PERIOD – PERASPERA In-Orbit Demonstration toward the transition into the in-space services, assembly and manufacturing paradigm

Auteurs: Stéphane Estable, Annelies Ampe, Apostolos Chamos, Gwenaelle Aridon, Daniel Silveira, Francisco Javier Colmenero Lechuga, Isabel Soto, Jeremi Gancet, Mark Shilton, Marko Jankovic, Torsten Vogel
Publié dans: Conference Proceedings Numéro of the 11th EASN International Conference, Numéro 1, 2022, Page(s) 1-8, ISSN 1757-8981
Éditeur: IOP Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1757-899x/1226/1/012095

Preliminary definition of a Standard Interconnect Benchmark for On-Orbit Servicing Demonstrator

Auteurs: Wiebke Brinkmann, Marko Jankovic, Jeremi Gancet, Pierre Letier, Joerg Kreisel, Thomas A. Schervan, Isabel Soto, Javier Vinals, Björn Ordoubadian, Annelies Ampe, Torsten Vogel, Marc Manz, Stephane Estable
Publié dans: Global Virtual Workshop II: Space Traffic Management and Resilient Space Environment, Numéro 1, 2021, Page(s) N/A
Éditeur: DLR

A Standard Interconnect Benchmark for a European In-orbit Services, Manufacturing and Assembly (ISMA) Demonstrator

Auteurs: Brinkmann, Wiebke; Yüksel, Mehmed; Jankovic, Marko; Wirkus, Malte; Saffer, Jona; Soto, Isabel; Gancet, Jeremi; Letier, Pierre; Schervan, Thomas A.; Kreisel, Joerg; Estable, Stephane; Kirchner, Frank
Publié dans: International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 2022, Numéro 1, 2022, Page(s) 1-13
Éditeur: IAF
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7064066


Auteurs: Sebastian Bartch, Stephane Estable, Torsten Vogel, Marc Manz, Gwenaelle Aridon, Romain Caujolle, Fran Colmenero, Mercedes Alonso, Daniel Silveira, Carolina Serra, Marko Jankovic, Wiebke Brinkmann, Isabel Soto, Gonzalo uerra, Mark Shilton, Jeremi Gancet, Bjorn Orboubadian, Eric Bertels, Apostolos Chamos
Publié dans: International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 2022, Numéro 1, 2022, Page(s) N/A
Éditeur: IAF

Robotic Architecture and Operational Concept for In-Space Assembly and Servicing Missions

Auteurs: Marc Manz, Sebastian Bartsch, Romain Caujolle, Torsten Vogel, Mark Shielton, Elie Allouis, Stefan Gornig, Francisco Javier Colmenero, Sebastian Torralbo, Marko Jankovic, Wiebke Brinkmann, Isabel Soto, Gonzalo Guerra, Daniel Silveira, Serra Carolina, Björn Ordoubadian, Eric Bertels, Jeremi Gancet, Pierre Letier, Manfred Doermer, Stéphane Estable
Publié dans: Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation (ASTRA), Numéro 1, 2022, Page(s) 1-8

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