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Report on the identification of local thresholds of TWL for triggering coastal flooding

Deliverable 43 will report on the methodology developed to identify local thresholds that will trigger coastal flooding and subsequent mapping in WP5 The report will include the extreme value analysis of the TWL forecast in CMEMS Task 41 and ANYEUSSL Task 42 along with the function linking the return periods levels of the two dataset The report will contain the calibrationvalidation of the local threshold of TWL based on the comparison with the previous coastal flooding extreme events reported in D51 The corresponding local thresholds along the European Coastline for the TWL forecast of CMEMS with varying resolution 153 km according to the CMEMS models will also be included

Roadmap of ECFAS integration into CEMS

Deliverable 64 will be a report including the Roadmap of integration of ECFAS into CEMS The Roadmap will include the technical and operational feasibility of integration of the PoC into the current CEMS system Following the European Commissions document Fostering the uptake of Copernicus and Space applications July 2017 a costbenefit analysis will be included to ensure the delineation between Copernicus core services and downstream services taking into account the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality the avoidance of duplication and the facilitation of user uptake A calendar of integration will be integrated in the Deliverable taking into account technical constraints and coordination with the CEMS evolution program Deliverable 64 will include a Delineation Plan It will define the procedures to integrate ECFAS as a new product in the Copernicus Core Services following the guideline regarding the Delineation between the Copernicus program and third party activities The D64 will include a proposal for a corresponding amendments to the Copernicus User Requirements The proposal will be accompanied by a cost and funding plan The outcomes of the Users Training Workshop Task 73 recommendations and suggestions of the users including the USB and CSET recommendations will be included in the Roadmap

First report on Communication and Dissemination activities and key events

Deliverable 73 will be report on all ECFAS communication and dissemination activities carried out in the 1st year of the project including a comparison with those planned under D71 and the achieved impacts type of audience reached number of audience members reached interestaction sparked in the targeted audience when feasible Evaluation of defined priorities with regards to audiences messages and channels will be also carried out D73 will further inform as needed the informal update of the Communication Dissemination and Exploitation Strategy as to reflect ECFAS evolving needs and any external unforeseen occurrences eg COVID19 global crisis

ECFAS Platform architecture and design document

This report will describe the design of the backend and the frontend with the interactions between each component processing lines It will include information regarding 1 the storage formats 2 interfaces of each component 3 the processing sequences and service level for each component The whole system will be designed to be deployed on a DIAS and thus cloud compatibility will be assured In addition the information regarding the use of APIs made available by these platforms such as data access map generation etc will be included

Users' requirements report

This deliverable is a report on the technical and operational requirements identified by the users and analysed by the consortium It will include the requirements in relation to a coastal flood risk awareness system and ECFAS RMRRM the requirements in relation to technical service specifications such as expected spatial and temporal resolution need of specific information hazard information impact assessment graphical interface and a gap analysis of the current Copernicus offer This deliverable represents the desiderata of the users pool in order to improve and optimise the outputs of ECFAS and will be used in WP6 for the codesign and codevelopment of the PoC Task 62 The results presented in D23 will be based on the analysis of online questionnaires sent to users identified in D21

Report on the calibration and validation of hindcasts and forecasts of TWL

This report stems from Task 43 based on products delivered in Tasks 41 and 42 In Task 41 various CMEMS products will be combined to estimate forecasts of total water levels TWL along European coasts including over recent past periods In Task 42 a hindcast of TWL will be produced using a less computing demanding model the ANYEUSSL model This model will be calibrated with various observations and CMEMS past and archived CMEMS forecast over a common period The calibration and validation will be performed over the whole computational domain using satellite altimetry as well as along the European coastline based on tidal and wave stations but also on the specific coastal altimetry datasets The calibration and validation report will include a specific section comparing the observed and modelled extreme total water levels observed along the European coastline

Report on the intercomparison between CMEMS and ANYEU-SSL modelling systems

Deliverable D42 will report on the intercomparison of CMEMS and ANYEUSSL models over a common period The report will elaborate on the identification of optimal settings of the ANYEUSSL model hindcast linked to Task 42 D41 The intercomparison of models in D42 will mainly illustrate how well models of different complexity 2D barotropic 3D SCHISM and integrated CMEMS models 3D ocean circulation tides surges wave interactions data assimilation reproduce TWL and extremes hence providing recommendations for the nextgeneration of TWL forecasting systems beyond ECFAS The report will elaborate on the intercomparison methodology and results using a set of common skill scores and observations dataset The D42 will include a specific section dedicated to the extreme water level prediction skill of the used codes The report will contain the variability in the spatial and temporal pattern of model performance for the two modelling system for what concerns extreme total water levels

ECFAS Platform Validated and Operational, Maintenance and User Manual

Deliverable 63 will be a report explaining how each feature of the platform works it will include a section dedicated to endusers and a section dedicated to operators to help them set up and operate each component of the system The report will include information regarding the incorporation in the platform of the algorithms provided by WP3 WP4 and WP5 how the accesses to CEMS data has been implemented together with the accesses to the catalogue the mapping products developed in Task 55 for both past events and in forecasting mode etc Results of the testing of the platform will be included to define its technical and operational capacity of integrating the modules that compose the service using 1 past events and 2 in forecasting mode A description of the functionalities of the platform will be included in a user manual The integration of the AI based algorithm Task 54 will be reported

Final report on users' needs and requirements. Regulations vs needs and technical specifications

D24 will be a report identifying gaps in the current offer of coastal flood awareness systems in Europe given the user needs We will compare technological gaps with the legal requirement present in EU policies and highlight potential inefficiencies that could be filled by the output of the EFCAS project This deliverable will be the final deliverable of WP2 It will draw on findingsresults reported in the previously concluded research efforts and deliverables D21 D 22 and D23 as well as the effort of the final 6 months of the project An important component of Deliverable D24 will be the integration of the identified user requirements with the international and EU policies plans and legislation that regulate relevant EU environmental policy frameworks D22 This will provide a matrix that can be used in the ECFASRoadmap that will be produced at the end of the project Because relevant environmental policies and regulation evolve quite fast D24 will also consider developments that will occur up to the second year of the ECFAS project

Final report on Communication and Dissemination activities and key events

Deliverable 75 will be a report on ECFAS overall communication and dissemination activities including those carried out in the 2nd year of the project including a comparison with those planned under D71 and the achieved impacts type of audience reached number of audience members reached interestaction sparked in the targeted audience when feasible Suggestion of relevant ad hoc dissemination communication and exploitation activities by ECFAS consortium members will additionally be detailed as to maximize the impact of ECFAS and its results for a period of at least 6 months upon project conclusion

Coastal climate resilience: review of policies and regulations

This Deliverable will collateanalyze relevant International and European policiesplans legislation and regulation relevant to coastal flood risk This deliverable will identify and classify needsobligations stemming from existing international and European policies and legislation as well as from nationallocal plans and regulation selected cases only The main contributions of this deliverable are 1 The collection of existing policies and plans associated with the assessment and management of coastal flood risk in Europe International policies to which EU member states adhere to such as the UN SDGs the 2015 Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and the 2016 Regional Climate Change Adaptation Framework for the Mediterranean Marine and Coastal Areas will be considered in addition to relevant EU policies and plans 2 The collectionanalysis of relevant legislation at different levels ie International European and national selected test cases Examples of international instruments the compliance to which depends on information that can be provided by the proposed additional Copernicus services are i the 2015 Paris Agreement which prescribes obligations for the State Parties for National Adaptation plans that require coastal flood awareness and management under different climatic scenarios ii the 2008 ICZM Protocol to Barcelona Convention Art 82 that prescribes set back zones for the Mediterranean European coast and iii the 1998 Aarhus Convention on Access to Information Public Participation in Decisionmaking and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters At the European level in addition to the Floods Directive 200760EC that requires assessmentmanagement of the coastal flood risk there are various European Directives that create obligations which may require the proposed services such as the Water Framework Directive 200060EC the amended EIA Directive 201452EU and the Marine Spatial Planning Directive 201489EU

Algorithms for impact assessment

Deliverable 53 will include the algorithms to calculate the direct impacts to population and assets The most robust and reliable method will be identified by evaluating different approaches Task 53 including deterministic and semiprobabilistic methods The flood simulations performed using the LISFLOODFP model will be used for this purpose The selected impact algorithms will be used in WP6 and integrated in the platform to perform a pre and postevent impact assessment for the ECFASRMRRM component The approaches will take into account timevarying exposure and vulnerability relations The selection of the impact approaches will be based on the algorithms capacity to predict impacts and their uncertainty and on their computational demand Their performance will be evaluated in quantitative terms ie by comparison with local andor supralocal data data available in CEMS from previous activations when possible in qualitative terms otherwise An integrated analysis will allow providing a general semiquantitative assessment of the performance of the impact assessment method This deliverable will include conceptual frameworks scripts and metadata of the set of algorithms identified for impact assessment Deliverable 53 will include a technical document providing information on the performance and limitations of the approaches

Validated LISFLOOD-FP model for coastal areas

Deliverable 52 will include the validated LISFLOODFP model related scripts for pre and postprocessing and a technical document on the performance and limitations of the model The flood model LISFLOODFP will be implemented Task 52 for the identified test cases Task 51 A subset of the test cases will be used for the model calibration purposes selecting the cases where the best information on hazard and impact is available Optimal parametrizations ie friction coefficient infiltration will be selected for regional coastal domains on the basis of comparison between the flood model with in situ and satellite measurements of the extension and magnitude during flood events When such information is not available the inundation will be assessed by delineating the water line using the algorithms and methods implemented in CEMS Mapping services A different subset will be used for validation implemented following the same approach and evaluating the performance of the model

Pan-EU flood maps catalogue

Deliverable 5.4 will be the Pan-EU flood maps catalogue and will contain the resulting flood maps (i.e. max. depth and velocity for each simulated event) – and model parametrization - for each coastal sector. The European coastal flood-prone areas identified in Task 5.4 will be divided into sectors of 50-100 km. For each sector, the validated LISFLOOD-FP model (Task 5.2; D5.2) will be applied and forced with hindcasted coastal events (i.e. TWL: SSL + tide +wave contribution; Task 4.2). The catalogue will feed the AI-based algorithm that will be developed in Task 5.4, to provide the forecasted flood extension which will be displayed on the ECFAS platform (WP6).

User inventory and engagement

This deliverable will focus on involving users operating at the international national and regional level The deliverable will include the inventory of users identified as potential users of ECFAS including CEMS users authorized associated and end users EU institutions and delegations and service providers This deliverable will detail the initial engagement process including rate of response and distribution of participation among different sectors and geographical location This deliverable will reportdetail the identification and engagement of critical end users and beneficiaries eg national and Local and Regional Authorities LRAs responsible for the developmentimplementation of regional policies regulations and guidelines Identification and engagement will be stimulated by the involvement of national delegates of the Copernicus User Forum Members of the Copernicus Relays at the national level will be identified and involved in the project A user inventory will be collatedreported Early completion M6 of Deliverable D21 is considered essential in order to build capacities in the enhancementimprovement of the Copernicus national User forum activities The decision to employ the Copernicus national User Forum will create an authoritative standardised and coordinated mechanism that could be replicated across Europe and at the same time to remain under the umbrella of national and European obligations

Database of extreme events, test cases selection and available data

This deliverable will be a comprehensive inventory of extreme coastal events that produced flooding at different locations along the European coastline The events will be collected consulting the portfolio of CEMS the information provided by projects partners and available EU datasets eg HANZE RISCKIT Surge Watch and Floodlist databases A selection of test cases and related information and available data will be used for calibration and validation of the thresholds of Task 45 and all subsequent WP5 activities The test cases will be selected based on the available information and data on both hazard and impacts the availability of local and high resolution data and on the basis of archived CEMS mapping activations in order to produce a reliable subset of events for calibration and validation The selection of test cases will be confined to the time interval 20102020 in order to use recent satellite imagery with good resolution and including if possible overlap with Sentinel missions

Coastal dataset including exposure and vulnerability layers

This deliverable is constituted by a database of datasets that will be used in the exposure and vulnerability analysis of coastal areas The database will include the list of products that will be used in WP5 for the impact assessment together with an evaluation of their completeness and the usability of the datasets in terms of coverage accuracy specifications and access The datasets will include the products portfolio of CEMS and CLMS publicly available datasets and information derived from past and ongoing EU projectsinitiatives The starting point will be the new Coastal LULC product that was implemented by the EEA and that is available for the project Additional information will be related to the location and characteristics of transport road and railway and utility networks power plants population density and time variability For example some of the publicly available datasets used in CEMS related to the abovementioned assets are OpenStreetMap building footprints road and railway network infrastructures GeoNames populated places but also names of administrative units rivers and lakes forests hills and mountains parks and recreational areas etc the Global Human Settlement Layer GHS and Global Human Settlement Population Grid GHSPOP and additional statistical data published by Eurostat population density and characteristics Wikimapia as well as data provided by projects partners As a novel product the identified assets will be analysed also in terms of vulnerability population age social and economic status from EUROSTAT building construction typology etc to collect all the available information on their susceptibility to be affected by flooding that will be used in WP5 for the impact assessment

Mapping products

A set of new layers related to coastal risk will be provided (Task 5.5) for past and forecasted events (i.e. exceeding the thresholds identified in WP4) with input from WP3 and WP5, defining the attributes, symbology and formats of the output thematic layers, and defining the relevant map content (thematic layers and background imagery) and template for potential new mapping products. Deliverable 5.5 will include the following mapping products: (1) pre-event shoreline location (to improve CEMS Reference map); (2) post-storm shoreline position (to improve CEMS Delineation map and Delineation Monitoring map); (3) automatic direct impact assessment on assets and population using the reference datasets and shoreline displacement (Grading map improvement); (4) layers and statistics to improve Risk and Recovery maps already available, such as: P05 - modelled flood extent (adding the modelled coastal flood extent from Task 5.4), P08 - Detailed damage assessment analyses over affected areas (adding the impact on low-lying coastlines in the form of shoreline displacement and additional related information); P14 - Impact assessment/exposure analyses on asset and population (using the algorithm developed in Task 5.3 to include pre- and post-event impacts assessment based on modelled flood extension and actual flood extent derived from the Delineation map, respectively). Additional products (e.g. post-disaster coastal erosion risk assessment) may be included after a co-design and co-development process with end-user (WP2).

Algorithms for satellite derived shoreline mapping and shorelines dataset

This Deliverable is constituted by the calibrated and validated algorithms of shoreline extraction Satellite Derived Shorelines SDS to be used in WP6 and the shorelines dataset that will feed WP5 Task 55 Currently available algorithms for shorelines extraction from satellite images will be calibrated and validated Specifically the application developed by Vos et al 2019 and the extraction system SHOREX PalomarVzquez et al 2018 will be tested Additionally the capability of radar images S1 will be tested for defining the shoreline position during cloudy days For this purpose the solutions previously presented in the literature Liu et al 2011 Lubczonek 2017 will be tested by evaluating them against groundtruthing at the same case studies This Deliverable will include also a document describing the implemented algorithms their technical specifications and the validation outcomes

ECFAS Platform ready for demonstration activities

This deliverable will correspond to a URL giving access to the first stable version of the platform. The PoC front-end will portray user requirements and agreed technical and technological implementation by the end-users requirements defined in WP2. Outcomes of WP2, including the collection of users’ online questionnaires, will be translated into platform requirements and into new Web Interface services. Based on WP2 results, a considerable effort will be made to focus on the user experience to be as close as possible to the end-user of the website. The platform will have a responsive design to allow use from smartphones.


Tempeste, medicanes e mareggiate: risposta agli impatti lungo le coste mediterranee

Author(s): Mucerino L., Mattei G., Aucelli P.P.C., Scicchitano G., Scardino G., Devoto S., Furlani S., Ferrari M., Armaroli C., and Ciavola P.
Published in: AIGeo Assembly, 2022
Publisher: AIGeo

Evaluating coastal flood impacts at the EU-scale: the ECFAS approach

Author(s): J. Montes, E. Duo, P.E. Souto, V. Gastal, D. Grigoriadis, M. Le Gal, T. Fernández-Montblanc, S. Delbour, E. Ieronymidi, C. Armaroli, P. Ciavola
Published in: EGU General Assembly 2022, Issue EGU22-11295, 2022, Page(s) 1
Publisher: European Geosciences Union
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-11295

A flood map catalogue for integration into aEuropean flood awareness system (ECFAS)

Author(s): M. Le Gal, T. Fernández-Montblanc, J. Montes Perez, P.E. Souto Ceccon, E. Duo, V. Gastal, S. Delbour, P. Ciavola
Published in: EGU General Assembly 2022, Issue EGU22-9832, 2022, Page(s) 1
Publisher: European Geosciences Union
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-9832

A new European coastal storm impact database of resources: the ECFAS effort

Author(s): P.E. Souto Ceccon, E. Duo, T. Fernàndez Montblanc, J. Montes Pérez, P. Ciavola, C. Armaroli
Published in: EGU General Assembly 2022, Issue EGU22-9848, 2022, Page(s) 1
Publisher: European Geosciences Union
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-9848

Assessing the Sensitivity of a Coastal Flood Model for the Development of a Coastal Flood Awareness System at European Scale

Author(s): Marine Le Gal, Tomas Fernandez Momblant, Paolo Ciavola
Published in: Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress (Granada, 2022), 2022, Page(s) 1
Publisher: International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research
DOI: 10.3850/iahr-39wc252171192022986

SAET: a new tool for automatic shoreline extraction with subpixel accuracy for characterising shoreline changes linked to coastal storms

Author(s): J. Palomar-Vázquez, J. Almonacid-Caballer, C. Cabezas-Rabadán, J.E. Pardo-Pascual
Published in: EGU General Assembly 2022, Issue EGU22-9857, 2022, Page(s) 1
Publisher: European Geosciences Union
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-9857

Performance of remote sensing algorithms for shoreline mapping under different beach morphodynamic conditions.

Author(s): Souto Ceccon P. E., Ciavola P., and Armaroli C.
Published in: Geology Without Borders – 90° Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana., 2021, Page(s) 295
Publisher: Società Geologica Italiana
DOI: 10.3301/absgi.2021.03

European Coastal Flood Awareness System (ECFAS): forecasting extreme coastal water-levels at European scale

Author(s): M.A. Irazoqui, A. Melet, C. Armaroli, P. Ciavola, T. Fernandez Montblanc
Published in: EGU General Assembly 2022, Issue EGU22-5729, 2022, Page(s) 1
Publisher: European Geosciences Union
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-5729

Satellite-derived shorelines extracted using SAET for characterizing the effect of Storm Gloria in the Ebro Delta (W Mediterranean)

Author(s): J.E. Pardo-Pascual, C. Cabezas-Rabadán, J. Palomar-Vázquez, A. Fernández-Sarría, J. Almonacid-Caballer, P.E. Souto-Ceccon, J. Montes, C. Armaroli, P. Ciavola.
Published in: EGU General Assembly 2022, Issue EGU22-9856, 2022, Page(s) 1
Publisher: European Geosciences Union
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-9856

International and EU Policies and Legislation for Coastal Floods

Author(s): Velegrakis A., Papadatou K., Alves B., Hasiotis T., Armaroli C.
Published in: Proceedings of the Marine and Inland Waters Research Symposium 2022, 2022, Page(s) 91-95, ISBN 978-960-9798-31-0
Publisher: HCMR Researchers Association & Panhellenic Union of HCMR Employees

A new European coastal storm impact database of resources: the ECFAS effort

Author(s): Paola Souto Ceccon, Enrico Duo, Tomas Fernandez Montablanc, Juan Montes, Paolo Ciavola, Clara Armaroli
Published in: Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress (Granada, 2022), 2022, Page(s) 1
Publisher: International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research
DOI: 10.3850/iahr-39wc2521711920221117

Performance of remote sensing algorithms for shoreline mapping under different beach morphodynamic conditions.

Author(s): Souto Ceccon P. E., Ciavola P., Armaroli C.
Published in: EGU General Assembly 2021, online, Issue EGU21-13028, 2021, Page(s) 1
Publisher: European Geosciences Union
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13028

Towards a pan-European coastal flood awareness system: Skill of extreme sea-level forecasts from the Copernicus Marine Service

Author(s): Irazoqui Apecechea Maialen, Melet Angélique, Armaroli Clara
Published in: FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, Issue Volume 9, 2022, Coastal Ocean Processes, 2023, Page(s) 1-21, ISSN 2296-7745
Publisher: Frontiers Media S.A.
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2022.1091844

European Copernicus Services to Inform on Sea-Level Rise Adaptation: Current Status and Perspectives

Author(s): Melet A., Buontempo C., Mattiuzzi M., Salamon P., Bahurel P., Breyiannis G., Burgess S., Crosnier L., Le Traon P.-Y., Mentaschi L., Nicolas J., Solari L., Vamborg F., Voukouvalas E.
Published in: FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, Issue Volume 8, Article n° 703425, 2021, Page(s) 1-26, ISSN 2296-7745
Publisher: Frontiers Media S.A.
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.703425

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