CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Describes technologies and methods used for adhoc field and aerial campaigns which are actually or could potentially be used by Sentinel missionsLists available and planned resources for field and aerial campaigns
Copernicus Operational FRM network and supersitesDescribes a proposed network of sites including supersites collecting systematic insitu measurements for the calval of Sentinel missionsDraft at month 12
Recommendations for R&D activities on Instrumentation technologiesProvides recommendations on instrumentation technologies to be developped for the collection of Fiducial Reference MeasurementsDraft version at month 12
Altimetry missions cal/val requirementsThis document describes the calval requirements for Sentinel altimetry missions Sentinel3 SRAL Sentinel6 CRISTAL
Radar and Passive Microwave Missions Cal/Val RequirementsDescribes the calval requirements for radar and passive microwave imaging missions Sentinel1 ROSEL and CIMR
Recommendations for R&D activities on Cal/Val methodsProvides recommendations on calval methods to be developed for Sentinel missionsDraft at month 12
Copernicus Cal/Val Data Distribution ServiceDecribes a proposed service to collect process and distribute Fiducial Reference Measurements for the calval of Sentinel satellitesDraft at month 12
Copernicus Cal/Val SolutionDescribes a proposed operational organization to ensure the provision of Fiducial Reference Measurements for the Copernicus program in the long termDraft at month 12
Roadmap and Sustainability AnalysisAddresses schedule and financial aspects of the Copernicus CalVal solution
Vicarious Methods on Natural TargetsDescribes natural sources and associated methods which are actually or could potentially be used by Sentinel missions
Inter-satellite Comparison methodsDescribes reference satellite missions and associated comparison methods which are actually or could potentially be used by Sentinel missions
On-board Calibration sourcesLists existing technologies and methods to implement calibration onboard calibration sources actually used or potentially usable for Sentinel missions
Atmospheric composition Missions Cal/Val RequirementsDescribes calval requirements for atmospheric composition missions Sentinel4 Sentinel5P and 5 CO2M
Executive SummarySummarizes the proposed Copernicus CalVal solution and the associated scenario for its implementation
Communication and Dissemination PlanPlan for the communication and dissemination of projects outcomes
Optical Missions Cal/Val requirementsThis document describes the calval requirements for Sentinel optical missions Sentinel2 MSI Sentinel3 OLCI SLSTR and SYN CHIME and LSTM
Cal/Val Data DistributionLists of existing or planned data distribution services which can be used for the validation of Sentinel missionsDescribes technologies format and protocols used
Systematic Ground-Based MeasurementsDescribes technologies and methods used to perform systematic insitu measurements actually or potentially used by Sentinel missionsLists existing and planned measurement sites and networks
Reference Scenario for ImplementationDescribes ownership roles and responsibilities of the proposed Copernicus CalVal solution
Website providing information about the project objectives events and outcomespoint of contact for the public
The DMP describres The handling of research data during after the end of the project What data will be collected processed andor generated Which methodology standards will be applied Whether data will be sharedmade open access and How data will be curated preserved including after the end of the project
Luke A. Brown, Richard Fernandes, Najib Djamai, Courtney Meier, Nadine Gobron, Harry Morris, Francis Canisius, Gabriele Bai, Christophe Lerebourg, Christian Lanconelli, Marco Clerici, Jadunandan Dash
Published in:
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Issue Volume 175, 2021, Page(s) Pages 71-87, ISSN 0924-2716
Elsevier BV
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