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MObiLIty sERvices Enhanced by GALILEO & Blockchain

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MOLIERE (MObiLIty sERvices Enhanced by GALILEO & Blockchain)

Période du rapport: 2020-12-01 au 2021-11-30

Urban mobility is an issue of great importance in today’s society due to the increasing population movements towards big cities and the exponential growth of cities in developing countries. Today, urban mobility schemes are evolving faster than ever mainly due to social, economic and technological changes. The traditional choice between walking, taking public transport or buying a car is being extended with a wide range of new flexible mobility services, such as vehicle sharing and ride-hailing.
In this context, a new mobility paradigm is needed - from disconnected to complementing. Promoting more sustainable, affordable, equitable, and accessible mobility is crucial, where micromobility and shared mobility services increasingly complement public transport. The ultimate goal is to reduce dependence on single occupancy private vehicles.

Molière is building an open data commons for mobility services, a Mobility Data Marketplace (MDM) underpinned by blockchain technology, raising the profile, visibility, availability, and utility of geo-location data from Galileo, and will test it to fuel and demonstrate a diverse set of concrete, highly relevant mobility scenarios and use cases where geo-location data is key, addressing the needs of cities, public transport authorities, mobility service providers, and end-users.

The high-level objectives of the project are:

1. Fuel MaaS with GALILEO-sourced geo-location data
2. Improve road safety & sustainability
3. Enable secure payment transactions trusting GALILEO geo-positioning data
4. Nudge a positive behavioral change from users
Taking into account the objectives of the project, the following activities have been successfully performed in Year 1 (1st of December 2020 until 30th of November 2021):

• Identification of mobility data sources and data sharing framework for an open comprehensive mobility data catalogue (WP3)
• Design of Molière’s high-level technical architecture, including a sound governance mechanism based on blockchain (WP3)
• Five use cases have been defined by the partners of the consortium, which will be used to validate (in WP5) Molière’s technology (to be developed in WP4). The first use case will take place in Brussels whereas the rest in Barcelona and Catalonia

The project consists of 7 work packages, which have delivered the planned outcomes. Namely:

- Work Package 1 - Ethics requirements. Factual and the project consortium have fulfilled all ethic requirements as defined in the project deliverables D1.1 D1.2 D1.3 D1.4 and D1.5.

- Work Package 2 - Project Coordination & Management. Factual has undertaken the coordinating tasks for the first year of the project. Due to changes in the partnership of the project (SEAT and its two AE withdrawing from the consortium), several activities have suffered changes and have been readdressed. Factual has coordinated the entire process of the partner leaving as well as the search for other partners willing to enter the consortium and take over the activities.

- Work Package 3 - Platform Requirements & Design. The development of the activities in WP3 was led by Factual. Two main deliverables have been produced: D3.1 which serves as a baseline for the system design and components specification to develop the MDM; D3.2 which focuses on setting the high-level architecture of the outcome of the Molière project as well as the description of the components and system and their responsibilities.

Both milestones for this WP were achieved: MS2, organization of a Hackathon under the auspices of CARNET CIT UPC to generate a pool of ideas for Molière (see; MS3, having MaaS platform and MDM ready for implementation

- Work Package 4 - System Development. The development of WP4 activities is led by Iomob. The main objectives of WP4 are to develop data and API abstraction layers for mobility operators, implement a blockchain-based platform, and deploy EGNSS-capable On-Board Units into a sharing fleet sourcing geo-location data to the MDM. D4.1 was delivered, detailing Molière’s architecture and technical components.

The most relevant milestone of WP is MS4, having MaaS platform and MDM ready for testing, which has been accomplished.

- Work Package 5 - Demonstration. WP5’s main objectives are to ensure readiness of the hardware and software components for the demonstrations, ensure the execution of the planned demonstrations and define the KPIs for evaluation. The work package will be led by the new partner, Keita, replacing SEAT. During the first reporting period, the efforts have been focused mainly on the discussion of viable use cases with the partners, distribution of activities as well as planning the pilots.

- Work Package 6 - Business & Regulatory Aspects. The main objectives of this work package, led by Factual, are related to the identification of opportunity and market prospects of Molière, assessment of legal and regulatory aspects, privacy issues as well as identification of ethics and gender issues. D6.1 D6.4 D6.5 have been duly submitted.

- Work Package 7 - Outreach & Dissemination, led by CARNET. A sound communication plan has been delivered and related channels created and filled with timely content.
Molière has delivered a fully functioning "Mobility Data Marketplace" that uses a bold blockchain-based governance layer, where participants in the mobility ecosystem (basically, Mobility Service Providers) are incentivized to participate through a tokenized scheme. Moreover, a novel mechanism for detecting fraud in claiming mobility services provided has been developed, which is beyond State of the Art, as it provides a robust mechanism to allow for a trustworthy platform for delivering mobility services, all og which make use of geopositioned data fueled by Galileo.

As for the socio-economic impact, deliverable "MOLIERE – D6.1 - Market and socioeconomic analysis on MaaS & GALILEO geo-positioned applications for mobility" has been submitted in July 2021 (M8). This document provides an overview of the socio-economic impact Molière aims to unlock, and will be updated and submitted through a new deliverable, D6.6 in Month 36.

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