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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Effective practices in education, mental health and psychosocial support for the integration of refugee children

Description du projet

Des solutions en faveur d’une intégration réussie

L’intégration réussie des migrants et des réfugiés est la clé du bien-être futur, de la prospérité et de la cohésion des sociétés européennes. Le projet REFUGE-ED, financé par l’UE, entend promouvoir des solutions innovantes de grande qualité adaptées à l’intégration dynamique des enfants migrants et réfugiés. Plus précisément, il identifiera, mettra en œuvre et évaluera les pratiques fondées sur les preuves utilisées actuellement dans le soutien psychosocial, à la santé mentale et à l’éducation (MHPSS pour «education and mental health and psychosocial support») ayant démontré une incidence sociale. En créant la Plateforme de transmission des connaissances sur les pratiques efficaces, le projet s’appuiera à la fois sur l’éducation et sur le MHPSS, et proposera la création conjointe de dialogues entre les enfants, les familles, les enseignants, les décideurs politiques et les professionnels travaillant sur le terrain, ainsi qu’avec d’autres parties prenantes importantes. REFUGE-ED mènera des actions pilotes en Bulgarie, en Irlande, en Italie, en Grèce, en Espagne et en Suède.


REFUGE-ED will create the Brokering Knowledge Platform of Effective Practices (BKP), which will host and promote innovative high-quality solutions tailored for the dynamic integration of migrant and refugee children in schools and more broadly in society. In so doing, REFUGE-ED will identify, implement, and evaluate existing evidence-based practices in education and mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) that have shown to promote the educational success, well-being and sense of belonging of children (0 to 18 years old - ISCED 0-3) from recent migration cohorts, including refugees and asylum seekers, and unaccompanied minors. The ground breaking nature of the BKP is two-folded: on the one hand, it will rely jointly on education and MHPSS; on the other, it will feature dialogic co-creation with children, families, teachers, policy-makers, practitioners working on the ground and other relevant stakeholders. REFUGE-ED will capitalise on the social impacts of prior EU research in the field of MHPSS and education, using the Supportive Process for the Inclusion of Children’s Experience (SPICE) under the communicative methodology of research for the co-creation of knowledge and implementation of results. The REFUGE-ED project will carry out 3 multisite pilot actions across 6 countries (Sweden, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Greece and Bulgaria), in a total of 33 Communities of Learning and Practice, that is, hot spots/reception identification centres, inclusive school environments and non-formal and informal social and learning environments, and institutional care (including unaccompanied minors). Informed by these pilots, the final co-created BKP will provide tools, solutions and recommendations, including guidelines and criteria on capacity building training, solution adaptation and community engagement in easy to use off-line package, in different formats, to support the implementation, reuse and scalability of the piloted actions, and of other practices identified as successful.

Appel à propositions


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Régime de financement

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 586 028,75
08193 Cerdanyola Del Valles

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Este Cataluña Barcelona
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 586 028,75

Participants (9)