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3. Report on the costs/benefits of CS

This report present costs- benefits assessments of Y-CSS based on the multicriteria framework developed in the project

Handbook and toolkits for Y-CSS

The handbook will be based on the RIA in the project, and includes a conceptual framework forY-CSS. Moreover, descriptions of and recommendations for setting up, conducting and evaluating Y-CS, including ethical considerations.

1. Meta-report of cross-case evaluation including a gender analysis

This report present the main findings from the process- and outcomes evaluation of the multiple case study, including gender analysis.

Policy brief with recommendations for Y-CSS, and future policymaking for social inclusion of youth

This policy brief will be based on the experiences with implementation of Y-CSS in WP2 and WP3, and evaluation/impact assessments in WP4. It will provide recommendations for future Y-CSS and policymaking to increase social inclusion of youth.

Meta-report concerning typology of drivers and model for social inclusion (including gender analysis)

This report is based on process and outcomes data provided in WP 2,3, and 4. It describe main findings from the empirical research and analysis of positive drivers for social inclusion of youth. In addition, a psychosocial model for social inclusion of youth will be presented.

Report on the recruitment criteria and informed consent procedures

Description of the procedures and criteria that will be used to identifyrecruit research participants particularly of youth considered vulnerable

Report on the conceptual, innovative, evaluation and ethical framework for Y- CSS

This report will describe the conceptual citizen science framework for Y CSS in the YOUCOUNT Project Moreover the use of CSS as a mean for social innovation ethical considerations when conducting YCSS and the conceptual and methodological framework for evaluation of the outcomes of YCSS

Report on impact assessments project

This report will include impact assessments of the YOUCOUNT Project and Y-CSS based on the chosen basket of indicators, including SDG and MoRRI

Final report on ethical issues

A summary report of the main ethical issues and how these have been , considered, mitigated and handled during the project period will be described, and used in the other parts of the project.

Report data collection and analysis framework and adjusted SPOTTERON platform

This report provide a protocol for data collection in the multiple case study WP2 and 3including the final version of the SPOTTERON webpageapp to secure systematic cross case data collection and analysis Moreover it suggest an overarching framework for the data analysis of societal outcomes across cases

Report from ECSA-workshops

This report is provided from ECSA in collaboration with Scientific Coordinator. It gives a short summary of the two ECSA workshops with key stakeholders from the field of citizen science and social inclusion of youth. It includes discussions and recommendations to the conceptual framework for conducting co- creative Y-CSS and evaluation framework of Y-CSS

Meta report of the experiences with case study implementation

This report will present the main experiences from the implementation of the multiple case study in the nine case countries, including the dialogue forums with youth and local stakeholders, living labs and national workshops.

Report CSS as innovation

This report is based on the multiple case study, and will elaborate on the experiences of using citizens science as a tool for social innovation and social entrepeneruship, It has a particular focus on involving youths at risks for social exclusion and disadvantaged areas.

IPR plan

This plan will outline how the IPR will be handled in the Project

Final project conference

This deliverable include the planning, conduction and reporting from the end conference of the YOUCOUNT Project that will be held in Brussel.

Policy brief Y-CSS and social inclusion

This policy brief include a description of co-creative Y-CSS and considerations of the potential of citizen science for social inclusion of youth a based on WP1 and first part of WP2, 3 and 4.

Project identity and website

This deliverable includes an 'official' summary presentation of the YOUCOUNT project to be used of the consortium and EU. Moreover, the logo and homepage for the project, and other features and brandings measuress that contribute to a strong project identity.

Establish collaboration with ethical board and secured formal approvals local levels

This deliverable adds to the ethics requirements and secruing of ethical standards of the project. It will secure the establishment of collaboration with the local data protection office/ethics approval institutions on national level, and With the Safety and Ethics Board. It will develop recruitment criteria and procedures for local recruitment of Participants, and consider potential risks and safety/ethics requirements for participating youths under 18 years, and vulnerable groups. It will secure oral and written informed consent and support adjustment of the information and consent sheets to the local case context and youth group. It will secure formal ethics approvals on national level. Copies of formal approvements from each case country will be stored in a secured repertory on national and coordinator levels.

Continous updated DEC and stakeholder engagement plan, and report on DEC activities

This deliverable will provide a DEC- plan and a stakeholder engagement plan to be updated throughout the project period, and report on DEC activities, including events.

List of planned participation in events

This list is part of the DEC_ plan, and will describe the concrete events that consortium partners will participate in during the project period to increase impact of the project. It will be updated throughout the project period.

Project leaflet

This include a short leaflet presenting the YOUCOUNT Project .

Internet list of stakeholders

List of key participants and stakeholders that will be involved in the project on European and national levels (multilevel platform)

Data management plan

The data management protocol will outline the collected data how research data will be handled during the project and after finalisation what methodology and standards are used whether and how this data will be shared andor made open and how it will be curated and preserved


Slow science and “caring” research – the transformative power of collaborative research with hard of hearing youths,

Auteurs: Mihók, Barbara/Juhász, Judit/Gébert, Judit
Publié dans: IJAR – International Journal of Action Research, Numéro Vol. 19, Numéro 2-2023, 2023, Page(s) 157-173, ISSN 1861-9916
Éditeur: Budrich Journals
DOI: 10.3224/ijar.v19i2.06

Remake Bodony: Visual Participatory Action Research and Tiny Publics

Auteurs: Oblath, Martón
Publié dans: Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies, Numéro 23, 2023, Page(s) 38-61, ISSN 2066-7779
Éditeur: De Gruyter Open
DOI: 10.2478/ausfm-2023-0003

The Ecosystem Approach in Addressing Sustainable Development Goals through Citizen Science in Lithuania

Auteurs: Monika Mačiulienė, Eglė Butkevičienė
Publié dans: Sustainability - Citizen Science Projects for Environmental Challenges and Sustainable Development Goals, Numéro 2022, 14(4), 2155, 2022, ISSN 2071-1050
Éditeur: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su14042155

Engaging youth in the local environment. Promoting sustainability action competence in Danish high school teaching through citizen social science

Auteurs: Winther, Cathrine M. S. and Søgaard Jørgensen, Michael
Publié dans: IJAR International Journal of Action Research, Numéro Vol. 19, Numéro 3-2023, 2024, Page(s) 38-260, ISSN 1861-1303
Éditeur: Rainer Hampp Verlag
DOI: 10.3224/ijar.v19i3.07

Participatory Communication and Citizen Social Science: Lessons Learned and New Ethical and Political Challenges

Auteurs: Canto Farachala, Patricia, Brattbakk, Ingar, Budrytė, Paulina and Norvoll, Reidun
Publié dans: Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics, Numéro XXV/2, 2023, Page(s) 129-151, ISSN 1825-5167
Éditeur: University of Trieste, Department of Philosophy
DOI: 10.13137/1825-5167/35354

Guest Editorial of thematic series: YouCount: Action Research and Citizen Social Science

Auteurs: Canto-Farachala, Patricia/Norvoll, Reidun
Publié dans: IJAR – International Journal of Action Research, Numéro Vol 19, Numéro 2 - 2023, 2023, Page(s) 107-111
Éditeur: Budrich Journals
DOI: 10.3224/ijar.v19i2.02

Engaging Communities in Citizen Science Conference Review of Engaging Citizen Science Conference 2022,Aarhus University, Denmark, 25–26 April 2022

Auteurs: Winther, C.M.S
Publié dans: Journal of Science Communication (JCOM), Numéro 21 (05), R04, 2022, Page(s) 1-6
Éditeur: Sissa Medialab srl
DOI: 10.22323/2.21050604

Empowering youth in citizen science and citizensocial science

Auteurs: Claire A. Murray,C.A, Winther, C M.S, Butkevičienėc, E. & Søgaard Jørgensen, M.
Publié dans: 2022
Éditeur: SISSA
DOI: 10.22323/1.418.0121

Articulating Voices of the Young: How to bring youth into contemporary planning andgovernance?

Auteurs: Kjellqvist, T., Rodela, R. & Mutvei, A.
Publié dans: "Dobers, P.; Gawell, M.; Gärde, J.; Silfverskiöld, S. (ed.), PROCEEDINGS of the 28th Annual Conference, International Sustainable Development Research Society#(ISDRS) 2022: Sustainable Development and Courage: Culture, Art and Human Rights", 2022, Page(s) 1160-1169, ISBN 978-91-89504-17-2
Éditeur: Södertörns högskola

Citizen science in the making: mapping participatory science projects in Hungary

Auteurs: Czeglédi, Alexandra
Publié dans: Proceedings of Science, 2022, ISSN 1824-8039
Éditeur: Sissa Medialab srl Partita
DOI: 10.22323/1.418.0037

Fra tynn til tykk medvirkning: Unge medforskere som lokale kunnskapsprodusenter. (From thin to thick participation: Young participators as local knowledge producers)

Auteurs: Rosten, M. G., Hagen, A. L. & Tolstad, I. M.
Publié dans: Ung medvirkning: Kreativitet og konflikt i planlegging. (Youth Participation: Creativity and Conflict in Planning), Numéro December 13, 2021, 2021, Page(s) 43–73, ISBN 978-82-02-74883-8
Éditeur: Cappelen Damm Akademisk
DOI: 10.23865/noasp.150

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