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Implementing gender equality plans to unlock research potential of RPOs and RFOs in Europe

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

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Management and Coordination Plan

After the kick off meeting a management and coordination plan will be drafted identifying the person or organisation responsible for each task and the responsibilities inside the management bodies of the consortium The signed Consortium Agreement will be an annex of this deliverable


Each research organisation will develop and approve its own customised GEP according to the toolkit and to the results of WP2 and WP3 The GEPs will be published on the organisations and the projects websites

Report on national status in gender equality in each partner country

Each consortium country will produce their own report The report will show an exhaustive list of existing national provisions relating to gender equality in research In countries where two partners are represented the task will be assigned to one partner An overall report will be produced by WP2 leader and submitted to peer review for its publication

Diversity Standards

Common Diversity Standards will be produced for the whole consortium and will then be declined for each research organisation according to its previously defined needs

Workshops report - 1

Compiled report produced by the responsible partner for the first series of workshops organised per partner at nationalregional level

Gender equality reports

Each organisation will develop its own gender equality report with the supervision of WP2 Leader The gender equality reports will summarise the outcomes of WP2 including both the assessment of national provisions and the gender audit at institutional level including also recommendations for the development of the GEPs

Reports on learning activities for GEPI Committees - v2

Outcomes from the second mutual learning workshop will be produced and delivered at M24

GEP implementation monitoring reports - v1

Two internal intermediary reports M24 M36 will be produced in order to help the partners to adapt their GEPs according to their needs and challenges

Programme and material of the Gender Training Programme

The programme indicating the modules and the respective material lectures videos etc of the trainings delivered to the different type of staff within RPOs and RFOs will be produced

Reports on participation and organisation of events - v1

Periodical reports will be drafted as the project activities will be presented and shared in external eventsconferences and joint activitiesexperiencesharing meetings in collaboration with other H2020 projects

Programme and material of the training for GEPI Committees

The programme indicating the modules and the respective material lectures videos etc of the training of each target group represented in each GEPI Committee will be produced The Deliverable includes also the list of members of the GEPI committees

"Toolbox ""Toolkit for transforming the institutional culture in terms of gender aspects"""

Written recommendations and guidelines on how to proceed in transforming the institutional culture in three strategic areas The Toolbox will be written in English and will be translated into official languages of other project partners The English version of the toolkit will be submitted to peer review before its publication The toolkit will also include the video tutorial developed within WP3

GEPs best practices compendium

A compendium including selected best practices among RPOs and RFOs around Europe will be developed and published on the website

Dissemination and Communication strategy

The overall dissemination and communication strategy will consider when where and how the identified target groups will be reached by the dissemination and communication activities It will guide the rollout of WP6The strategy will include a section devoted to provide information on the significant events that would be organised by the project

Common database for gender equality audit

Indicators and data to be collected will be identified and communicated to project partners that will fulfil the matrix with their data at organisational level

Guidelines on monitoring and evaluation

In order to ensure a smooth GEPs monitoring process RPOs and RFOs will be provided with guidelines developed by WP5 leaders These guidelines will ensure that participating organisations will be able to collect from the beginning all the necessary data to perform a comprehensive monitoring The guidelines will include a common framework of indicators to enable RPOs and RFOs to customise indicators for their GEPs

Policy brief for feedback to the European Commission - 1

Policy brief to provide feedback to the European Commission on the project advances and related policy recommendations

Reports on learning activities for GEPI Committees - v1

The learning activities for GEPI Committees comprise the training programme and the mutual learning workshops Three reports will be produced at M16 M24 and M36 to summarise the outcomes and the lessons learntRegarding the training programmes internal reports on the capacity building activities performed in each organization will be developed and included within report delivered at M16Concerning the mutual learning workshops the outcomes from each mutual learning event will be produced and included in the reports to be delivered at M16 M24 and M36

Project visual identity and website

Logo brochures rollup diverse templates and the project website will be produced at the beginning of the project to ensure it will be linked to a welldefined visual identity


One webinar for EURAXESS initiative will be carried out and uploaded on project website and on other relevant platforms together with the one for policymakers and the video interviews

GEPVISION on-line tool

Release of allowing RPOs and RFOs to constantly and effectively monitoring progresses during GEPs implementation

ATHENA e-Platform for Action

A webbased platform will be built and integrated on the project website It will be assessable upon registration and it will foster debate around the work of the project and the issue of gender inequalities in research organisation at EU level



Author(s): Miha Čekada
Published in: IJS novice, Issue 200, marec 2022, 2022, Page(s) 22 - 24, ISSN 1581-2707
Publisher: IJS News; Editors. Polona Umek and Marjan Verč


Author(s): Alma Mehle
Published in: IJS novice, Issue 197, Junij 2021, 2021, Page(s) 18, ISSN 1581-2707
Publisher: IJS News, Editors. Polona Umek and Marjan Verč


Author(s): Maja Remškar
Published in: IJS novice, Issue 188, oktober, 2021, Page(s) 15-17, ISSN 1581-2707
Publisher: IJS News; Editors. Polona Umek and Marjan Verč

Gender equality in research institutions: A case study from the Slovak Academy of Sciences

Author(s): ŽILINSKÁ, Miroslava - HOLUBOVÁ, Barbora - BIANCHI, Gabriel
Published in: Community Psychology in Slovakia 2021: Proceedings from 8th Conference, 2021, Page(s) 231-245, ISBN 978-80-223-5292-5
Publisher: Institute of Applied Psychology, Comenius University in Bratislava

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