Periodic Reporting for period 1 - TRUST (digital TuRn in EUrope: Strengthening relational reliance through Technology)
Reporting period: 2021-09-01 to 2023-08-31
Four research objectives drive our joint work: to define a proper legal framework, as well as to shape and raise relational trust in the age of BCT; to define open standards, following a multi-stakeholder, collaborative and consensus-driven process, stimulating the transition to novel approaches based on BCT and AI; to analyse procedures and modes to make concrete use of BCT in the business domain while increasing relational trust; to analyse the possible use of BCT to tackle specific challenges in the governance and management of cities. Indeed, TRUST is committed also to improving the quality of the EU Research Area by: a) enhancing scientific knowledge and research skills of participants; b) boosting staff transversal skills and career prospects of participants; c) building lasting knowledge and cooperation networks.
The status of WPs is reported below. For all of them, the work carried out is consistent with Annex 1 and all anticipated outputs were delivered. No specific risks and ethical issues emerged during the relevant period.
Within WP1 UNIMC has coordinated and monitored the overall implementation of all activities, which proved to be a smooth process.
WP2 investigates the relationship between law and DLT from the perspective of trust, with a particular focus on the issues of relational and institutional reliance. Mobility flows and scientific activities, as well as dissemination/outreach initiatives are very satisfactory.
WP3 investigates the potential of BCT to enhance trust in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ensure its interoperability. The work carried out is coherent with Annex 1. The only issue to be reported relates to mobility of engineering teams to China. Due to the sensitivity of BCT research, no secondments were authorized towards China by IMT. The amendment helped solve this issue, redirecting mobility towards other partners.
WP4 investigates the effect of the transition from regulated centrally managed B2B economy to a decentralised distributed P2P blockchain economy. The research activity and knowledge transfer of this WP is progressing well.
WP5 is focused on Smart and trust-based cities. The aim is to investigate to what extent the use of new technological tools, such as BCTs, can modify urban coexistence environments, especially improving inclusiveness; citizen's participation in the city life; social welfare and social equality; an efficient use of public spaces and resources.
WP6 aims at coordinating and monitoring the knowledge-sharing program, including the specific activities and tools conceived to allow interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral transfer of knowledge and training, among Participants and seconded staff. Activities performed are fully satisfactory.
As for Communication & Public engagement, Exploitation (WP7), the project results and activities were promoted and spread out in multiple ways/channels: presentation at events (including during the Expo Dubai at Italian pavilion), social media interactions, meetings with stakeholders and activities in the frame of the mobilities, press and publications. More than 60.000 people were reached across Europe, China and Israel. Deliverables were submitted in a timely manner.
• deliverables due from M25 to M48;
• more scientific papers and book chapters that are part of emerging joint scientific results;
• Phd final dissertations on TRUST topics. Indeed, in UNIMC, the Phd course in Law and Innovation (who is directed by WP2 Leader) is strongly involved in the project;
• reports for policy recommendations.
As for potential impact of TRUST, it is important to highlight the following expected results:
1. Strengthen the potential of individuals providing new skills and career perspectives.
Scientific knowledge and professional development are boosted by geographical, inter-sectoral and trans-disciplinary mobility. The latter allows ERs and ERSs to experience mobility and gain new knowledge and expertise. Secondment periods spent abroad are having a strong impact on knowledge background, on academic/business and personal skills and on researchers’ career development.
2. Develop new and lasting research collaborations.
The knowledge transfer among partners and stakeholders has been constant so far. Main vehicles of knowledge transfer are the secondment opportunities and related collaborations. A key role is played by the network activities involving participants such as: internal training events and scientific meetings; external conferences and workshops; joint research outputs. As a result of cooperation, some new project proposals were submitted. In particular: a Twinning proposal including three TRUST partners; a DN MSCA proposal including two TRUST partners; an Italy-China cooperation project including three TRUST partners. Other joint research proposals are expected to be developed in the next two years.
3. Maximise impact of communication strategy and outreach activities.
We strongly intend to help raise awareness on the opportunities related to the use of TRUST to safely manage P2P transitions as well as for city governance.
4. Promote the implementation of BCT in specific industries (as agri-food and healthcare) and in cities (especially for community building and energy management), by actively and directly supporting cities and firms in the adoption of technology.