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Adaptive and resilient production and supply chain methods and solutions for urgent need of vital medical supplies and equipment

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Coaching and mentoring - intermediate results

This deliverable will report on the outcomes of the coaching and mentoring related to several matters ie certifications standardisation quality assurance organizational and business implications during the first year of the project

Manufacturing Settings - Final Results

This deliverable will report on the outcomes of the build measure and learn cycles of the Manufacturing Settings by the end of the project detailing the technical implementation process the major outcomes and the ways it improved the current manufacturing processsupply chain interaction Public version with aggregated data

Skills Transformation Map

The map will guide on how to match peoples skills with the repurposed lines and how to customise the type of training to facilitate and speed adaptation considering the best suitable business model exchange of operators exchange of training

Coaching and mentoring - final results

This deliverable will be an extended version of the intermediate results deliverable where refined frameworks and methods towards coaching and mentoring will be further detailed to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the repurposed models developed

Communication plan

Initial communication plan which includes the intended communication activities and relevant information for every activity such as the target audience its purpose its measurable impact indicator and its link to the projects exploitable assets as well as a preliminary date and place The communication activities will be monitored regularly and the communication plan is refined accordingly This as well includes any impact due to ongoing Covid19 pandemic situation

Collaboration and liaison activities plan

Specific plan for collaboration and liaison with relevant stakeholders on European and national level including RI projects DIHs I4MS EIT KICs and other relevant players

Dissemination plan

A coherent dissemination plan including concretized plan on dissemination activities which ensure a maximum awareness of the projects activities and achievements

Initial Measure, Learn and Plan of the Manufacturing Settings

This report will be a detailed analysis of the initial requirements of the Manufacturing Settings both business and technical aspects will map these requirements to actual technological solutions and will identify the technology and businessrelated Competence Centres supporting the individual Manufacturing Settings

Digital Technopole - Final Results

This deliverable will report on the final results of the WP4 tasks by month 24 detailing the final state of the adaptations and extensions performed on the technical backbone the agreements reached for the sustainable operation and the outlined plan to replicate the results of the Digital Technopole beyond the project endPublic version with aggregated data

Digital Technopole - Intermediate Results

This deliverable will report on the achievements of Tasks 41 and 42 until month 12 including the adaptations and extensions performed on the technical backbone and the preliminary understandings on the sustainable operation of the Digital Technopole Public version with aggregated data

Manufacturing Settings - Intermediate Results

This deliverable will report on the outcomes of the build measure and learn cycles of the Manufacturing Settings during the first year of the project detailing the technical implementation process the major outcomes and the ways it improved the current manufacturing processsupply chain interaction Public version with aggregated data

Data Management Plan

This deliverable will be an extended and detailed version of the initial DMP included in the proposal The detailed DMP will specifically focus on the data generated by the individual Manufacturing Settings and data generated

Update of Data Management Plan

This deliverable will be an update follow up version of the DMP published in M1


Physics-driven digital twin for laser powder bed fusion on GPUs

Author(s): Stephanie Ferreira, Benjamin Klein, André Stork, Dieter W. Fellner
Published in: ECCOMAS Congress 2022 - 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Issue 5-9 June 2022, Oslo, Norway, 2022, Page(s) 9, ISBN 9788412322286
Publisher: Scipedia S.L.
DOI: 10.23967/eccomas.2022.221

Supply Chain Simulation as a Service to Increase Adaptation Capability in Manufacturing

Author(s): T. Kiss, G. Terstyanszky, R. Arjun. S. Sardesai, M. D. Goertz, M. Wangenheim
Published in: 2022, Page(s) 863-876, ISBN 978-1-71-385288-9
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.23919/annsim55834.2022.9859375

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