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Arqus Research and Innovation

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - Arqus R.I. (Arqus Research and Innovation)

Reporting period: 2022-07-01 to 2023-12-31

The Arqus Research and Innovation project’s objectives were to bring about systemic, structural and sustainable institutionalised cooperation and integration in the research and innovation dimension of the Arqus Alliance, as well as triggering transformations within its member universities. Specifically, the project focused on creating an enabling environment to foster the intensification of joint research (with focus on Climate Change and the Digital Transformation) and contributing to the advancement of research assessment. Another aspect of the project was the creation of tools for researchers and society at large in the areas of Open Science, Co-Creation in Transfer and Open Research Agenda Setting, with the aim of increasing societal involvement in research and impact of research.
The Arqus RI project has ignited an unprecedented intensification of collaborative research and innovation among partner universities within the Arqus Alliance. By fostering joint efforts, it aligns with the ERA Policy Framework’s goals of enhancing European university competitiveness and attractiveness. Researchers benefit from an expanded environment, while the Alliance ecosystem is better equipped to tackle global challenges.
The project has established robust governance structures, produced valuable resources, and facilitated knowledge exchange and trust-building among Arqus universities. Integration of the Arqus research community has been intensified and concrete tools have been developed and made available for engagement of students, citizens and non-academic actors at various stages of the research cycle, marking a successful outcome for the Arqus R.I. initiative.
Although Arqus R.I. similarly to its counterparts in other European University Alliances, has contributed significantly to the transformation process on which European University Alliances have embarked for all their missions, a solid and continued evolution towards more integration and transformation relies on the establishment of a sustainable and predictable investment environment, combining resources from EU funding programmes and Member States.
Arqus R.I. has set the foundations for the continued development of a joint research agenda of Alliance partner universities, creating successive versions of a Joint Research Action Plan, the results of which will now feed into the general strategic planning processes of the Alliance. The High-Level Seminars of Vice-Rectors of Research in Arqus R.I. have been the predecessor of the Research and Innovation Board, a standing joint structure created in the Spring 2023 for the governance of R&I in the Alliance Alliance.
To strengthen human capital, numerous networking opportunities for researchers (through innovative workshops and seed funding) have resulted in a significant number of new joint research project applications and other collaboration initiatives among Arqus researchers, giving strong momentum to the endeavour of “building an Arqus research community”.
Furthermore, on the advancement of research assessment, the project has created a solid knowledge base about the status quo at Arqus universities and their aspirations. This knowledge has fed into the ongoing bench-learning exercise led by the Task Force for Research Assessment Reform, in which the majority of Arqus universities exchange experiences and best practices on their respective initiatives in the advancement of research assessment.
With regard to the engagement of non-academic actors, the project has generated a set of resources for co-creation in transfer (focusing especially on the Social Sciences, Humanities and the Arts) which will be available to all Arqus partners’ research communities and governance (as well as the wider public) for the development of innovative transfer strategies.
In the area of citizen and societal engagement, Arqus R.I. has increased resources available to Arqus researchers for the involvement of citizens, civil society and public authorities in research agenda setting. A set of Recommendations was drawn up to help Arqus universities’ management, administration and researchers to establish and further an effective framework for Open Research Agenda Setting initiatives.
With the aim of contributing to the mainstreaming of Open Science in the Alliance, the project has created training materials and compiled detailed information on Open Science, available on its website. It has also set up a network of Open Science Ambassadors, which is currently working collaboratively with the ENLIGHT Alliance on a series of webinars on Open Science practices, as well as being available to give advice to researchers.
The results achieved and materials created are available on the website section of Arqus R.I. have been disseminated internally at various levels and shared with other European Alliances at the Cross-Alliances Forum at the end of 2023.
Significant results include the building of an increasingly close-knit community of researchers and research support officers combining to lay fertile seedbeds for a meaningful and impactful long-term common R&I agenda within the alliance.
The cooperation in joint structures (at governance, management and working level) is showing tangible progress and engagement with the long-term, profound and systemic change pathway which the Arqus universities have initiated by taking part in the Alliance.
By creating new resources and advancing the knowledge base on citizen science and non-academic actors, the project has contributed to bridging the gap between research and society, increasing societal involvement in and impact of research on society.
Networking workshops for researchers on Artificial Intelligence WP1
Open Research Agenda Setting Pilot Workshops - various WP6
Open Research Agenda Setting Pilot Workshop - Citizen Science WP6
Networking workshops for researchers on Climate Change WP1
Open Research Agenda setting Pilot Workshop - Climate Resilience WP6