Periodic Reporting for period 2 - EXPERIENCE (The “Extended-Personal Reality”: augmented recording and transmission of virtual senses through artificial-IntelligENCE)
Période du rapport: 2022-07-01 au 2023-12-31
EXPERIENCE (The "EXtended-PErsonal Reality": augmented recording and transmission of virtual senses through artificial- IntellgENCE) is a European project included among the Future and Emerging Technologies of Horizon 2020 regarding the use of artificial intelligence in the social sciences and neurosciences. The project is coordinated by the University of Pisa, and sees the participation of the University of Siena, the University of Padua, the University of Rome " Tor Vergata, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Karolinska Institutet, French CEA in Paris, CSEM Swiss Center for Microelectronics and the Spanish start-up Quatechnion.
The EXPERIENCE consortium aims to widespread the use of virtual reality in real life, especially for the sharing of an emotion and an EXPERIENCE. While the generation of virtual environments is only for highly specialised individuals, through EXPERIENCE the public at large should be able to easily create virtual environments as they create photos and videos. To this extent, the consortium aims to measure and build a scientific framework to compensate the significant differences in evoked psychological, cognitive, neurophysiological, and behavioural responses that may exist between actual physical environments and their virtual simulations.
The consortium has also carried out several experimental activities aimed to measure the psychological, cognitive, neurophysiological, and behavioural responses to stimuli provided in a virtual environment. Such activities include visuo-tactile illusions, also together with non-invasive brain neuromodulation.
The consortium also focused on the development of novel artificial intelligence algorithms with the final goal to create virtual simulations that elicit 'unique' psychological, cognitive, neurophysiological and behavioural responses for each subject examined. This will then lead to the automatic generation of virtual environments starting from the neurophysiological data of each of them.
The consortium has also performed a thorough market analysis to widen the EXPERIENCE exploitation avenues in areas other than health, such as gaming, e-learning, and digital tourism.