Project description
Religious chants changing identities, gender roles
Public performing of chants evokes an emotional sense of unity, an expression of common identity over political, social, historical and other divisions. There is, however, little research on the multiple influences of liturgical music on the formation of religious beliefs, identities and gender roles in Europe. The EU funded ReSound project will focus on the significant impact of the composition and performance of plainchant in efforts to recreate devastated devotional networks and identities during the period of Reformation in Europe. The project will investigate how representations of femininities in revised saints’ celebrations influenced communities’ gendered ideas and expectations. It will also unveil the musical and devotional role of beguines and other semi religious women during religious upheavals.
In times of socio-political upheaval, reconstructed religious identities reshape ideas, communities, and culture. In early modern Europe, the Reformation shattered networks of belief. Reformers rebuilt communities by revising traditional forms of worship and their music. Plainchant was integral to their efforts. It was inexorably tied to liturgies, and its localised melodies crafted and communicated religious identities. Chant was especially essential when confronting powerful religious influencers: the saints. Lutherans reinterpreted saints as accessible, gendered exemplars of the well-ordered protestant life. The use of plainchant provided a link with the past, but its textual and melodic revision emphasised the devotional divide. Despite the crucial role of musical saints’ cults in rebuilding religious identities and networks, the extent of their influence is unknown. This project employs an innovative transregional and interconfessional approach to investigate the imposition, individuation, and intersection of identities in liturgies shared by Lutherans and Catholics. Using evidence from sermons, literature, and art, the chanted celebrations will be reintegrated into worship. The promotion of idealised femininities and masculinities in text and music will be examined in the five major Lutheran chant compendia. The adoption and adaptation of these identities will be explored in imported and local liturgical books used in the multicultural, heterodox trade centre of Tallinn. The oppositional interrelation of reshaped Catholic and Lutheran identities will be analysed in the Feast of the Visitation, which both groups revised. This research will demonstrate how musical saints’ cults refashioned identities and connected communities after the Reformation. It will thus enhance and benefit interdisciplinary studies of identity, worship, and reform. It will also provide new insights on the socio-political and cultural changes that reshaped Europe and still resound today.
Funding Scheme
MSCA-IF - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF)Coordinator
751 05 Uppsala