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Energy Citizenship and Energy Communities for a Clean Energy Transition

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - EC2 (Energy Citizenship and Energy Communities for a Clean Energy Transition)

Reporting period: 2021-05-01 to 2022-10-31

Based on an inter- and transdisciplinary conceptualization of energy citizenship, EC² deliberates economic trends, identifies economic conditions, business model innovations, public support policies and legal regulations that are needed for the emergence of energy citizenship and its potential contribution to the low-carbon energy transition. EC² focuses in particular on energy communities as emerging entities within the energy sector and as potential key actors to promote energy citizenship.

The objective is to gather empirical evidence on how the framework and the set-up of energy communities foster or hinder energy citizenship and its conduciveness for broader policy goals and under which circumstances energy communities and energy citizens benefit most from each other. To this end, EC² develops a scale to quantitatively assess the psychological manifestation of energy citizenship within individuals. The team studies the complex relationships between the legal frameworks, the economic structures, and the psychological set-ups of energy communities and their surrounding societies, on the one hand, and energy citizenship, on the other. To identify causal relationships, EC² conducts experimental lab studies, in addition to broader field studies. Based on these insights, the team develops and empirically tests recommendations and tools to overcome barriers and facilitate the scaling up of energy citizenship and energy communities.
In this first period WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP7, WP8 and WP9 officially started. The main work was done in these WPs. Within WP1 the management of the project is organised. ZSI as WP1 lead created all templates needed for monitoring, organised regular calls as well as four general assembly meetings. Additionally, from the very beginning of the project ZSI made sure that the whole consortium is aware of RRI keys and ensured that all cross cutting RRI issues were addressed throughout this period. WP2 and WP3 started and ended successfully in period 1. In WP2, we constructed an inter- and transdisciplinary definition of energy citizenship. While the interdisciplinary definition was based on discourse between our scholarly legal, economic and psychological partners (Uni Graz, ULEI, WUEB, UG), the transdisciplinary definition emerged in exchange with practice partners (ICLEI, GEN Europe, ZSI) and in 3 local one-day co-creation workshops with stakeholders from diverse areas implemented by Uni Graz, ULEI and WUEB. A main output of WP2 is the energy citizenship scale, which was translated in 5 languages. In WP3, the research team analysed and gained knowledge on the legal and economic market conditions shaping energy communities in 6 different European countries. Additionally, four knowledge co-creation workshop took place (NL, PL, ES, IT), were perspectives form citizens and other stakeholders in the energy sector were involved. The synthesis of the results is provided in D3.3. In WP4 the quantitative empirical studies are implemented. They address how different set ups of energy communities affect the perceptions of and willingness to join energy communities. In period 1, the studies were set up and most of the empirical studies have been completed. In the first period WP7 set up everything needed for dissemination and communication activities throughout the project. A dissemination, communication and exploitation plan was created, the website went online, EC2 was made public on social media, and WP7 team continuously feeds the social media accounts with news, lists for communication and dissemination activities were provided, EC2 was represented at conferences, and dissemination materials were provided. Within WP8 and WP9 H1-requirements and POPD2-requirements and ethics certificates were elaborated, agreed and provided. WP5 and WP6 initially were not planned to start in this period. However, the team decided to bring forward preparation work and planning to guarantee good links between the content and action WPs.
In period 1 the emphasise of activities was on inter- and transdisciplinary knowledge gain. The innovation actions will be in focus of period 2.
EC2 conceptualized an inter- and transdisciplinary definition of energy citizenship.
EC2 developed a quantitative assessment of energy citizenship within the individuum (energy citizenship scale)
EC2 concentrated on energy communities as a relevant social group for energy citizenship. Analysing the relationship between energy communities and energy citizenship, connects the theoretical concept of energy citizenship with a concrete and dynamic development within the energy sector.
EC2 moved beyond an analysis of the legal framework of Energy Communities (within the Clean Energy Packages) by incorporating the analysis of the housing and consumer protection framework.
EC2 overcame the omnipresent narrative of a neoliberal market and analysed the situation for energy citizens and energy communities from an alternative economic/market perspective.
EC2 combined in a unique fashion the legal, economic, and psychological perspective on energy citizenship and energy communities to identify barriers and facilitators of energy citizenship and energy communities together with energy community members and stakeholders of the energy sector.
The controlled experiments to provide empirical evidence for causal factors determining the emergence of energy citizenship, the willingness to join energy communities, and the intention to support a clean energy transition or broader policy goals are underway.
EC2 will co-create tools for existing and emerging energy communities in different EU countries to overcome barriers and to exploit facilitators of energy citizenship. Preparations for this process have already started.
EC2 will provide empirical evidence of the effectiveness of these tools.
EC2 will enhance its tools and practical advice by creating kits tailored to vulnerable and marginalized groups of citizens.
EC2 will integrate these tools in a sophisticated series of webinars (the Energy Citizenship Academy) to establish a digital training program for interested citizens, cooperatives, authorities and policymakers. Preparations for the Energy Citizenship Academy are underway.
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