Periodic Reporting for period 1 - RoCS (Roots of Communication)
Reporting period: 2022-03-01 to 2024-02-29
Our recent findings demonstrated that infants can recognize communicative information transfer even in its abstract and unfamiliar forms. However, the biological basis of this ability remained unclear, including two major questions: the proximate and ultimate causes of humans’ communicative ability. The general aim of the proposed project was to reveal what makes humans able to use their species unique capacity to communicate, understand and share information with others that allow social learning and cooperation.
In my project, I relied on the insights of Shannon’s mathematical theory of information transmission and investigated whether the unpredictability of signals that are exchanged in a turn-taking interaction would lead to specific responses that indicate the recognition of communicative information transfer. The first main objective was to investigate whether the ability to recognize communicative information transfer based on the unpredictability of signals has an evolutionary ancient origin (WP1), thus, I planned to study a non-human animal species, the domestic chicken. The second objective was to understand the neural basis of recognition of communicative information transfer in infants. I aimed to investigate this question by applying EEG (WP2-WP5). In the first part with domestic chicks, I planned to apply a well-established behavioral methodology to investigate whether the sensitivity to the structural properties of signal sequences has an ancient evolutionary origin. The two further studies I planned involved the use of cutting-edge, EEG technology with human infants to investigate the ontogenetic and neural basis of the second main research question.
This claim is already supported by some of my previous findings, however, the present project goes beyond those earlier works as it will provide empirical evidence about the neural background and signatures of this capacity. Due to the measured neurophysiological components, the project also goes beyond the state of the art from a methodological perspective. The project implements oscillatory and ERP signals as dependent variables, which are novel in the domain of communicative development as it directly connects communicative behavior to their neural backgrounds.
Due to the above reasons, my project may have a potential for broader societal effects. On the one hand, understanding that it is communication that makes humans special and allows our species to build complex societies and tools can be a directly relevant discovery as it can motivate applied sciences (ranging from the humanities to engineering) to find new ways to foster communication within and across specialized groups (e.g. work groups with a particular aims) and societies. On the other hand, the future results of the project may also have an effect on how we think about the preverbal period of humans’ life. If young infants will be perceived as communicatively competent humans – rather than children, who still lack some major competence, – can change parenting behavior and may also elicit changes in governmental policies regarding the first year of life. The first year of humans is highly relevant even if we do not have specific memories about it. Being involved in communicatively rich contexts might be highly relevant in the development of infants, therefore, it is important to provide this opportunity to the parents on the societal level, which might be one the main message of the current project.