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MOdel Validation and Evaluation procedures of integrated planning support systems for Nature-Based Solutions

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MOVE-NBS (MOdel Validation and Evaluation procedures of integrated planning support systems for Nature-Based Solutions)

Reporting period: 2021-10-01 to 2023-09-30

MOVE-NBS addresses challenges posed by climate change and urbanization, impacting global city liveability. Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) offer resilience through green-blue infrastructure, necessitating advanced planning support systems (PSS). The project focuses on standardized validation procedures for integrated socio-technical PSS in NBS planning.

MOVE-NBS is of importance for Europe, aligning with the EU's strategic commitment to sustainable development and urban well-being through Nature-Based Solutions (NBS). The project aligns with the urgency of enhancing urban regeneration and citizen well-being by "re-naturing" cities. The project addresses the identified "need to develop a systemic approach" by focusing on performance evaluation of socio-technical Planning Support Systems (PSS). Ultmately, MOVE-NBS contributes to Europe's efforts in advancing NBS solutions through strategic and integrated planning practices..

The project aims to establish performance criteria and test validation procedures, creating a comprehensive framework for holistic validation of integrated PSS for NBS planning. Three key objectives support this ambition:

- Systematically establish a list of relevant NBS-PSS validation criteria and procedures.
- Test the practicality of candidate procedures in diverse contexts.
- Provide a holistic validation framework for future NBS PSS testing.
In the course of this project, I systematically reviewed literature on Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) Planning Support Systems (PSS), extracting 52 evaluation criteria. An online survey was developed to capture expert preferences, while a preliminary framework was established to organize criteria and methods.

Project management tasks, including ethics deliverables, were completed as planned. Training involved project management sessions at Eawag and a language/culture course at Université Laval. Additional successes include securing a research grant and an Assistant Professorship.

Efforts were directed towards redeveloping and deploying SSANTO and UrbanBEATS for the Canadian test case, involving over 20 stakeholders. Seminars, lectures, and monthly sessions at various institutes facilitated knowledge dissemination. Public engagement included a podcast appearance and other activities.

Key outcomes encompass the identification of 52 NBS PSS evaluation criteria, successful project management, and advancements in tool development for testing procedures in a real-world context. A paper on the validation master list was also drafted.
The validation framework as appearing in the drafted literature review paper is the first systematic holistic NBS PSS evaluation framework based on evidence from literature. No expected results for the end of the project can be reported, as the project has been terminated.