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CORDIS - EU research results



Reporting period: 2021-01-01 to 2022-06-30

The global transition to renewable energy, particularly in sectors beyond power generation, like heating, cooling, and transport remains slow. It is characterized by the unequal regional uptake of renewable energy and the unexploited potential, especially in developing and emerging economies. Misconceptions about renewables requires advocating for their broader socio-economic benefits. The project aims to accelerate renewable energy adoption, supporting the EU's global leadership in sustainability and climate goals.
The overall objective of the project is to strengthen and increase the capacity of REN21 (Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century) - the only global multi stakeholder renewable energy community of actors from science, governments, NGOs and industry - to increase influence and enhance the global energy debate and support the EU's global engagement in reaching global climate and sustainable development goals through renewables.
The project is structured around four core activity pillars with the objectives of:
1. Expanding REN21’s global network and anchoring these regionally, especially in emerging renewable energy markets and sectors;
2. Strengthening outreach and communication activities, with a particular focus on engaging non-energy sectors and citizens;
3. Organising workshops and debates to support informed decision-making, by providing high quality, up-to-date, crowd-sourced information to shape the energy debate;
4. Supporting training and capacity building, targeting those outside of the renewable energy sphere.
The work performed and main results achieved of the project "Support for the Expansion of Global Network Activities of the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century" (REN21) from January 2021 until June 2022 are as follows:
1. Work Package 1 expanded REN21's global network, especially in emerging renewable energy markets. Key activities included strategic partnerships, outreach to diverse stakeholders, and the development of an AI-based Influence Mapping Tool. Key results are:
• Expansion of REN21 membership base, welcoming 11 new members, across all of its five statutory stakeholder groups: governments, inter-governmental organizations, industry associations, civil society organizations, and research institutions.
• Growth of the REN21 community to over 3000 change agents, with significant outreach in the cities sector worldwide.
• Developed the AI-based Influence Mapping Tool, used for stakeholder mapping and trend analysis of renewable energy topics and issues discussed at the global and regional levels.
2. Work Package 2 focused on strengthening outreach and communication, particularly in non-energy sectors and citizens. Efforts included pilot projects in Southeast Asia and Africa, and strategic alliances with organizations.
• Piloted a Southeast Asia network around renewables and expanded the RENdez-vous online dialogue series to Africa.
• Launched the #REenergiseAfrica campaign including a testimonial video of African renewable energy players, social media kit quoting African players, and 4 Africa RENdez-vous event summaries.
• Developed strategic alliances, notably with UITP, to bridge the transport and renewable energy sectors, leading to the development of a policy brief entitled A smooth ride to renewable energy: 7 actions for public transport to address emissions and air pollution by advancing renewables.
• Produced the UNECE Renewable Energy Status Report 2022, covering 17 countries and organized "Hard Talks" events in Albania, Georgia, and Serbia to increase renewable energy deployment.
3. Work Package 3 focused on organizing events and debates using REN21's knowledge base to support informed decision-making. Adaptations were made due to COVID-19, emphasizing virtual events and collaborations.
• Organized various events and debates, including side events at UNFCCC COP26 and the International Transport Forum.
• Developed the REN21 Virtual Event and Collaboration Space for continuous dialogue and debates.
• Held RENdez-vous online series with global and regional focuses, covering a range of renewable energy topics and questioning the status-quo.
• Organized regional RENdez-vous series in Southeast Asia and Africa, addressing region-specific issues.
4. Work Package 4 aims at supporting training and capacity building, particularly among non-renewable energy players. However, physical events like the REN21 Academy and the International Renewable Energy Conference were impacted by COVID-19, leading to a pivot towards online participative events and an AI-based approach for strategic positioning and influence.
• Due to COVID-19, pivoted from physical events to online participative events and an AI-based approach for strategic positioning in renewables.
• Conducted workshops with REN21 community members to demonstrate the Influence Mapping Tool and collect feedback.
• Refined the tool’s taxonomy for more effective stakeholder and issue mapping.
These efforts collectively advanced REN21's mission of broadening global engagement and understanding of renewable energy, enhancing its communication strategies, and supporting informed decision-making in the energy sector.
The project testifies for achieving significant progress going beyond the state of the art contributing to advance the uptake of renewable energy. The expected results until the end of the project and potential impacts, including socio-economic impact and wider societal implications, are substantial:
1. Progress Beyond State of the Art:
• The project has innovatively expanded REN21's global network, incorporating AI-based tools like the Influence Mapping Tool for strategic stakeholder engagement and building bridges across renewable energy and other energy demand sectors.
• Through unique approaches like virtual RENdez-vous series and ad-hoc workshops and “hard talks”, the project has adapted to changing circumstances (like COVID-19) and continued its outreach, capacity-building efforts and to question the status-quo.
2. Expected Results by End of Project:
• Strengthened global influence of REN21’s members and community, especially in emerging markets.
• Enhanced understanding and implementation of collective renewable energy strategies across various regions and sectors.
• Improved tools and methodologies for renewable energy advocacy and policy-making, supported by shared narratives and communications campaigns.
3. Potential socio-economic Impacts and wider societal implications:
The project is expected to valorize the broad range of co-benefits renewable energies bring and facilitate a transition to a more sustainable and economically beneficial energy system:
• contributing to economic growth and job creation through the increased deployment of renewable energy technologies;
• informing policymakers and contributing to increase public support towards renewable energy; ...
• improving public health and environmental quality by reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering greenhouse gas emissions.
• increasing energy access and affordability, particularly in underserved regions.
The project’s comprehensive approach, combining network expansion, strategic communication, informed decision-making support, and capacity building, is designed to have a long-lasting, positive impact on global renewable energy adoption and sustainable development.
REN21 Network Members Mapping
REN21 Membership 2005-2021
Policy Brief: 7 Actions for Public Transport to Advance Renewables (2021)
Renewables in Cities 2021 Global Status Report: Key Facts and Trends
RENdez-vous Southeast Asia July 2021: Policy – Strategising the Energy Transition in Southeast Asia
Case Studies: Citizen Power For Grids 2021
COP26 event: Decarbonised Power - Achieving a Renewable and Efficient Power System
RENdez-vous Africa February 2022: What Could an African Green Deal Look Like?