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Talent4BBI: Developing Talent for Bio-Based Industries of Europe

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Talent4BBI (Talent4BBI: Developing Talent for Bio-Based Industries of Europe)

Reporting period: 2021-09-01 to 2023-08-31

The bioeconomy accounts for 8% of the EU’s workforce (18 million jobs, turnover of €2.3 trillion) and covers all sectors and systems that rely on biological resources encompassing agriculture, forestry, fisheries, food, bioenergy and bio-based products. It is one of the EU’s largest sectors and its importance will grow even more in the coming years as Europe moves away from fossil-based resources toward a bio-based bioeconomy. Cutting-edge research in this area is a critical necessity as the pace of change in the environment requires rapid development of sustainable solutions. Talent4BBI is working to bridge this necessity through the development of a cohort of excellent researchers by providing a training programme specifically designed to enhance their leadership potential, maximise their impact on the green transition of European industry and guide us towards creative solutions in our new environmental, social and economic reality. Talent4BBI is underpinned by the following core principles:
• The programme is bio-based industries-led and intersectoral
• Futureproofing focus through the development of a uniquely qualified and career-driven talent pool
• Provision of a unique practice-based pedagogy to enable graduates to thrive in an industrial research setting
• Underpinned by scientific excellence through an in-depth knowledge of the bio-based industries sector.

The ESRs are developing their skill sets through the opportunities they have through the programme by being embedded into a company and a university environment for their individual research, training and personal development. The ESRs also have the benefit of accessing professional networks of two supervisors, one in industry and one in academia. Talent4BBI is strengthening the R&I capacity and output of its consortium members. The broad range of projects have significant scientific impact across value chains, in relation to basic and applied research. ESR projects are creating (for the first time) a collective of PhDs across Europe with a common deeper knowledge of the bioeconomy from an academic and industry perspective. These ESRs are becoming influencers for the acceleration of the development of new sustainable products and processes and are benefitting European industry and society. Talent4BBI incorporates scientific and transferable skills training in order to produce higher quality outputs. Talent4BBI has increased international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility of researchers in Europe. Finally, Talent4BBI supports the practice of open science through the sharing of its non-confidential outputs in an openly accessible format.

Talent4BBI Objectives are outlined below
Train a cohort of 10 highly skilled industry ready ESRs
Holistic understanding of the bioeconomy
Connect scientific and technical knowledge
Bespoke training with industry facing focus
Practice-based training and research in an Industrial setting
Scientific excellence
Industry ready PhD graduates
Future leaders in bioeconomy
Addressing bio-based industries needs through applied research
Augment and diversify research and transferable skills
Inward movement and in situ training of talent
Promote interdisciplinary and intersectoral collaboration
Promote innovation through research directly relevant to industry
The programme structure offers a unique opportunity for graduates to thrive in both industrial and academic research settings while also enhancing the early stage researcher’s career opportunities in line with the MSCA COFUND work programme objectives. Talent4BBI’s selection process was guided by principles of openness, transparency, merit, impartiality, and equality for the ESRs.

Talent4BBI will directly impact the European Research Area by developing a highly qualified and career-driven talent pool, driving effective cooperation between industry and academia, and boosting the development of bio-based industries. The programme aims to become a model for future initiatives to follow in terms of scientific knowledge, transferable skills and hands-on experience.
The main work performed during this reporting period has been around the implementation of the programme by activating the governance structure with all the consortium partners , opening the call and the recruitment phase thereafter which led to the hiring of the 10 x Talent4BBI ESRs. The monitoring of the programme and the roll out of 3 x training schools for ESRs that have taken place in member states Ireland, Spain and Italy. A overview of the summary of the work packages and deliverables achieved in this reporting period are listed below;

Management - day to day programme management carried out by the management team - programme coordinator, programme manager. Interaction and communication with T4BBI partnership consortium.

Evaluation and Selection - opening of the single call ensuring all institutions on how to apply were completed. Set up of evaluation independent expert reviews , shortlisting, interviews and final offers to the 10 successful candidates. Talent4BBI received 324 applications in total with 124 making it to review by independent experts and 33 candidates being interviewed in total.

Dissemination of the Programme and its Call -main activities were the programme launch in November 2021 , advertising and opening of the call in November 2021, ESRs hired and started their programmes in September 2022. ES

Training and Career Development - Career Development Plans are in place for all ESRs. Three comprehensive training and career development events/schools have taken place in Ireland, Spain and Italy. Training and Progress Committee which is independent to the consortium is in place to support, monitor and oversee ESR progress.

Training in Reseach Ethics - this is mandatory for Talent4BBI ESRs and will cover cover general ethics of science and technology, ethics issues of special disciplines (bioethics, human/animal experimentation, AI, nanomaterials, data collection and processing, etc.), and research integrity. All partner universities have ethics training and programme in place and Talent4BBI will also run a dedicated mandatory ethics training course for all ESRs.
T4BBI is providing a unique opportunity for ESRs to develop key skills, competencies and experience required by bio-based industries through a targeted programme for future bioeconomy leaders. T4BBI is training a cohort highly skilled industry-ready esr's equipping them to lead the future of the European bio-based industry sector. T4BBI through its design is a unique and highly ambitious flagship programme for bio-based industries training.

The socio economic impact and wider societal impacts of the project that are underway are the key elements of training and the development of new mindsets and approaches to R&I work through interdisciplinary and intersectoral experience. T4BBI is enhancing Europe's human capital base in R&I and is contributing to a stronger European Research Area in addition to increasing Europe's attractiveness as a leading destination for R&I. The high quality of the research and innovation taking place within the programme will contribute to Europe's growth and competitiveness and the ESRs as mobile graduates will bring knowledge it other parts of Europe and worldwide after graduation.