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Green and Resilient Europe: What role for nano-enabled industries?

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - EuroNanoForum 2021 (Green and Resilient Europe: What role for nano-enabled industries?)

Reporting period: 2020-11-04 to 2021-07-03

Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials play a major role in our daily life as they guarantee the functioning, long term durability, safety, and environmental compatibility of many devices, machinery and services. Advanced materials can boost the transition to greener technologies, with improved characteristics and enhanced performance, contributing to a more sustainable future and contributing to the objectives set by the European Green Deal – the motor for the recovery and for a sustainable European Union economy, particularly in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic stroke. The applications of nanotechnology and advanced materials reach from the latest biomaterials and health devices, to flexible electronics and lightweight materials; to critical energy materials for reducing the CO2 emissions. Giving this central role of nanotechnology and advance materials and its relevance for a sustainable, social- and environmental-friendly growth, the EuroNanoForum 2021 has its main focus in the role of nano-enabled industries in the drive towards a green and resilient Europe. The event brought together experts across different sectors to identify policy options and priorities, to share insight on technical, industrial and social challenges, their views and ideas about the role of nanotechnology and advanced materials in contributing to the European Union´s recovery plan and also solutions for boosting the economy through clean technology.
The ENF021 overall objective was to promote an open debate on the role of nano-enabled industries to build a lasting and prosperous recovery plan for Europe while promoting jobs and growth, the resilience of our societies and the health of our environment. The event examined the role of nanotechnology and advanced material in contributing to cross sectorial industry challenges, to the European union´s recovery plan and also about solutions for boosting the economy through clean technology and making the EU's economy sustainable in route with the European Green Deal. As an outcome, the event helped in identifying policy options, priorities and common lines of action to turn challenges into opportunities and revive economies hit by COVID-19, while simultaneously striking a decisive blow against climate change and environmental degradation and making the transition just and inclusive for all.
The partners in this project worked seamlessly and in a coordinated way to meet the goals of the project, in close alignment with the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Commission, aiming to give Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials the desired visibility within the framework of the European Green Deal that will lead Europe into being the first carbon-neutral continent until 2050. The EuroNanoForum 2021 event took place at a moment where Europe had begun its post-pandemic recovery process and resumed its quest for a greener, digital, resilient and sustainable economy and society. Due to the constraints imposed by the pandemic, the whole event took place digitally as a Virtual Event through a dedicated digital platform created according to the project needs.
In the framework of work package 1 - Coordination and Management- INL made careful day-to-day management. INL made weekly assessments of the programme and speakers engagement evolution against the project deliverables and milestones. The project Team has always ensured the correct communication, coordination and cooperation between the four project work packages and took all the decisions within their scope and work plan. We kept weekly meetings to follow up on every ongoing aspect of the project from its beginning to its last day. INL also kept constant contact with the ENF2021 Advisory Board members, who provided strategic advice regarding the programme and all the relevant contents of the ENF2021 and were decisive for the success of this conference.
Work package 2 has been fully devoted to the programme and content management. With the support of the International Advisory Board, we delivered the final programme adapted to the format of a fully digital conference.
The conference organisation (work package 3) involved the anticipation of every scenario in the face of the pandemic situation. When it became evident that a full in-person event or even a hybrid event would be impossible, we activated every protocol for a full digital event. The event’s website was the go-to platform where all the information regarding the event was constantly made available and updated. INL made a constant effort to disseminate the ENF2021 to all relevant audiences, namely through a weekly newsletter, posts on social media to promote sharing, permanent updates on the official event website and targeted e-mails (European and International Universities and RTO’s, for instance). This effort was translated into a record number of registered participants (3640, from over 140 countries).
In terms of communication and dissemination (work package 4) the work performed started with the preparation of a dedicated dissemination and communication plan for ENF2021 on time. INL disseminated all the info through the project partners to maximize dissemination through all the available channels and networks. The website, was the central hub for all the information regarding the event and required a significant investment in terms of time and resources. The social media dissemination was made primarily through the INL official channels and disseminated with the invaluable support of all the project partners and the European Commission. INL also drew and implemented a dedicated marketing strategy for the proper and wide dissemination of the ENF2021, being the weekly newsletters its flagship. Several save-the-date was sent out, driving traffic to the ENF2021 official website. All the communication materials were identified by using the dedicated branding. With the support of the European Commission and the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, a set of six videos have been also developed. Its main objective was to generate awareness for the ENF2021 and make a call for registrations, mainly through social media. Every session of the ENF2021 is and will be available for future public viewing and sharing through the official ENF2021 website.
ENF2021 focused on the impact of nanotechnology and advanced materials in solving societal problems related to the coronavirus pandemic, the challenges for Europe’s recovery plan, Europe´s Green Deal plan, climate, environment and natural resources, energy, health, artificial intelligence, connected and digital society and industry, among others.
ENF2021 offered opportunities for discussions on cross-sectorial challenges focusing on both the industrial application of research results and future strategic research priorities in the fields of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials of the Horizon 2020 NMBP Programme and beyond. The event also focused on how nano and materials technologies can strengthen competitiveness in manufacturing in all industrial sectors. The plenary and parallel sessions had a high level of participation and discussion, as was stated in the Closing Session by EU Director Peter Dröll. Each one of the sessions produced contributions, all recorded in a set of briefing notes, that will for sure be very helpful for the definition of future policies regarding the topics discussed in the ENF2021.
ENF2021 Entry Point