Project description
Engineering successful models of collaboration
The main goal of the European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance (EELISA) is to enable societies to face global challenges with smart and sustainable solutions empowered by European engineering. EELISA brings together nine European universities to define a common model of European engineering education. The EU-funded EELISA innoCORE project will strengthen EELISA by focusing on its R&I dimension, helping EELISA researchers and innovators engage in long-term collaboration projects. It will define a portfolio of shared infrastructures and support the development of joint R&I structures, while creating spaces for collaboration with citizens and non-academic actors. EELISA innoCORE will define a common open science strategy, a gender equality plan, and will offer students opportunities for learning-by-research.
The European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance (EELISA) is a bottom-up alliance of higher education institutions representing more than 180,000 students and 50,000 graduates each year, 16,000 faculty members and 11,000 administrative staff. EELISA is one of the European Universities selected by the European Commission under an Erasmus+ call. With EELISA we are initiating an unprecedented level of institutionalised cooperation between our institutions in order to gradually achieve our long-term vision: the education of European Engineers. Now we see an opportunity to transform our R&I dimension with EELISA INNOCORE. Our plan is built on the ecosystem of EELISA communities created to transform higher education, and comprises three main steps: 1) Make our researchers and innovators know each other, create spaces for dialogue with citizens and with non-academic actors and set up a portfolio of shared scientific infrastructures; 2) foster and support the development of joint R&I actions and the creation of new structures (research groups, clusters, joint labs, start-ups, scientific parks) and 3) optimize the outreach of these actions. In parallel, we work on a common strategy on open Science, we assess the costs and benefits of actions and deploy plans to promote gender equality, diversity and citizen science.
- H2020-EU.5. - SCIENCE WITH AND FOR SOCIETY Main Programme
Funding Scheme
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinator
28040 Madrid