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FILMEU_RIT - Research | Innovation | Transformation

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - FILMEU_RIT (FILMEU_RIT - Research | Innovation | Transformation)

Période du rapport: 2021-09-01 au 2023-02-28

FilmEU_RIT brings together four European Higher Education Institutions, currently promoting the European University FilmEU – The European University for Film and Media Arts. Together, these HEIs collaborate around the common objective of jointly promoting high-level research, innovation and educational activities in the multidisciplinary field of Film and Media Arts and, through this collaboration, consolidate the central role of Europe as a world leader in the creative fields. Through this process, the Alliance is directly expanding the uptake of Artistic practice-based research in Europe, which will in turn impact the creative sectors and Europe’s positioning as a leader in this field.
FILMEU_RIT’s main objective is the capacitation, in Research and Innovation terms, of the individual HEIs that integrate the Alliance via the joint design of strategies and action plans that ensure the transformation of the future European University into an Institution that puts Research and Innovation in the fields of Film and Media Arts at the centre of its activities and operates as a highly valuable critical cultural intermediary.
FilmEU_RIT was conceived as a response to several problems and challenges we identified:
a) the current status of film education in Europe, where film schools are traditionally tied to educational models of the conservatoires which are, for the most part, still distinct from the wider academia. These models need to be urgently renovated in view of including the R&I dimensions as core components.
b) the current relatively “lower” status of artistic and practice-based research. The fact that artistic research is still a relatively young field contributes to greater difficulties in getting support and funding for research and a lower level of recognition of its impact and value.
c) level of capacity at the Alliance level both in terms of trained and dedicated researchers and science management capacity among the partners. Most members of the Alliance are less research-intensive HEIs that need to increase their R&I capacity and experiment with novel approaches that increase their innovation capacity and overall competitiveness.
d) difficulty in acquiring funding for artistic and practice-based research and in linking the results and outcomes of such research practices to viable and relevant societal impacts and outcomes.
FilmEU_RIT integrates four transformational modules: (a) R&I Resources and Strategic Agenda; (b) Impact and Engagement; (c) Talent; (d) Networking. These four transformational modules were defined in view of attaining the main challenge the Alliance faces which is how to design and implement a model to promote the uptake of research and innovation activities in non-research-intensive higher education institutions.
Where a) stands for the development by the Alliance of its original research and innovation agenda around artistic practice-based research that frames in a unified manner the research and endeavours of the Alliance while supporting its capacitation in terms of infrastructures and digital resources required to support the development of that agenda; b) stands for the impact and engagement to be attained via joint research pilots and other seed funding initiatives that jointly contribute to the consolidation and visibility of our research agenda and consolidate a research community that is organised around bottom-up dynamic clusters of researchers; c) stands for the training and capacitation of our researchers and the consolidation of our joint advance education initiatives, namely our joint approach to PhD education and doctoral supervision and; finally d) stands for the outreach of our initiatives and the overall focus on internationalisation – FilmEU_RIT empowers the alliance with in view of turning FilmEU into a cultural intermediary via its research and innovation activities. The proposed model engineers the Alliance as a network that hosts several clusters (each one a research group mixing individuals from the different HEIs in the Alliance, according to their interests and areas of expertise) and then operates along several loops (implemented joint pilot projects) that represent different stages of relationships among members with the aim of achieving a successful collaborative network.
Artistic practice-based research as the “R”, and dynamic clusters as the “I”, are then the drivers of the transformation we envision for FilmEU. The final element of our concept – the “T” – is directly related to the final component of the main idea that underlines our project: in order to achieve the desired degree of innovation and transformation we must position ourselves as cultural intermediaries that, via R&I activities, produce knowledge that is specific and not easily codified while transforming our HEIs from non-research intensive ones into nodes of a collaborative network that develops high profile and high impact artistic research.
FilmEU_RIT progresses beyond the state of the art by proposing an original mode of fostering research in less research-intensive institutions via practice based artistic research. This model will facilitate the emergence of a full fledge European University of Film and Media Arts with strong research capacity and a focus on innovation and entrepreneurship that will greatly contribute to the continuous positioning of Europe as a leader in the cultural and creative sectors.
FilmEU_RIT main impact is the development of a model for the implementation of a joint research agenda based on the concept of dynamic research clusters and the piloting of a number of projects that illustrate how to develop and implement specialised applied research in non-research-intensive Higher Education Institutions.
At the centre of this process is the development of the dynamic research clusters. The aim was to develop a taxonomy of dynamic research structures from the bottom-up rather than through predetermined classifications imposed from the top-down. These structures are conceived as fluid networks (or rhizomes) of researchers clustered around topics rather than as a strict hierarchy. These are piloted as dynamic research clusters. A dynamic research cluster is a model for interinstitutional and interdisciplinary research collaboration. The dynamic research clusters are envisioned to support pilot projects with various research frameworks and collaborative partners within and outside of the Alliance. The intention of the pilot venture is to explore the various forms of research collaborations, progresses and outputs. FilmEU_RIT promotes artistic research through the implementation of these dynamic research clusters in order to reach a research positioning of the Alliance as a critical cultural intermediary. Therefore, these dynamic research clusters do not exist on their own but are embedded in the FilmEU hub. The FilmEU hub is based on several infrastructures called labs that span the main areas of research and technical expertise on which the Alliance is focused. This model engineers the Alliance as a network that hosts dynamic research clusters supported by labs and operating along implemented joint pilot projects that represent various stages of relationships among members with the aim of achieving a successful collaborative network.
Matchmaking for collaboration
doctoral schools