This report presents the maturity assessment methodology key assumptions WFRM technology mappings and the maturity assessment results for each technology It is an intermediate version
Stakeholder Clustering Report IThis interim report clusters all FIRELOGUE stakeholders building in the concept detailed in section 1323 above
Review report of IA case studies including wildfire events, actors, WFRM measures, technologies and SOPsResults will be delivered as report and added to the FIRELOGUE platform
User engagement and Dissemination Support tool strategy and set upStrategy Report
Impact Assessment Methodology Harmonisation IReport on potential WFRM impact assessment methodologies including common and comparable metrics that will be followed to assess how Innovation Actions will meet the impact of the Call
Ethics Protocol and Equality Management PlanThe report describes the procedures for ensuring the adherence to ethical standards and flags aspects that will require particular attention
Consolidated WFRM Knowledge Base - Report on the mapping of WFRM actors, approaches, measures and strategies and SOPs IThe report builds on D11 and adds further WFRM knowledge including their contextual application
Baseline Assessment ReportA report presenting the common practices and methodologies for baseline data generation of WFRM
Report and material for discussion formatsThis Deliverable comprises the concepts and material needed for the discussion formats
Communication Strategy and Action PlanDissemination Strategy and Action Plan
Summary report of Research Integration Board I
D25 will provide annual updated on the activities of the Research Integration Board
Quality, Risk and Innovation and Exploitation Management Strategy IThe report lines out the procedure for quality risk and innovation management within FIRELOGUE
Website will be up and running
FIRELOGUE TechMall IA dedicated interim report in TechMall to host products and services associated with WFRM phases and support their greater market penetration
Design and implementation of knowledge exchange formats IThis Deliverable encompasses the knowledge exchange formats implemented
Composition of WGs completed
Published in:
Nicosia Risk Forum, 2022
Nicosia Risk Forum
T. Schinko, C. Berchtold, J. Handmer, T. Deubelli-Hwang, E. Preinfalk, J. Linnerooth-Bayer, A. Scolobig, M. Serra, E. Plana
Published in:
Nature Climate Change, Issue 13, 2023, Page(s) 788–795, ISSN 1758-678X
Nature Publishing Group
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