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A Holistic Fire Management Ecosystem for Prevention, Detection and Restoration of Environmental Disasters

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - TREEADS (A Holistic Fire Management Ecosystem for Prevention, Detection and Restoration of Environmental Disasters)

Reporting period: 2021-12-01 to 2023-05-31

The TREEADS project addresses several major challenges that wildfires pose, including current technological and infrastructural restrictions and severe environmental, societal, and economic consequences. The TREEADS fire management ecosystem will include various innovative technologies and systems covering all time-interconnected stages of wildfires (before, during, and after). Over 26 different technologies are optimized, developed, and validated in the implementation of TREEADS, including coordinated novel pilotless aircraft (multi-rotor and fixed wing) and satellite systems, an advanced analytical and modeling framework for fire prevention, detection, and response, forest and landscape restoration and an emerging set of fire protection and suppression technologies. Expected results are, among others, the minimization of the significant impacts caused by extreme fires and experience strengthening for end-users within a rich set of realistic scenarios via the project’s training programme. In TREEADS, we focus our research, development, and integration efforts on delivering systems of high relevance and benefit to the relevant end-users and the forestry market while providing them, in turn, with an excellent opportunity to understand potential weaknesses or limitations of current technologies. The TREEADS tools and solutions are demonstrated and validated under actual operating conditions in eight complex pilot implementations in Taiwan and seven European countries: Austria, Norway, Spain, Italy, Romania, Greece, and Germany. The project is also carrying out a disciplined assessment of the impact of the developed technologies based on methods that consider both social and financial aspects (e.g. Social Return on Investment (S-ROI)).

We have the specific objectives listed below.
Objective 1: "Improving the efficiency of current fire-fighting operations", (Addressed in WP2-WP8).

Objective 2: "Advancing operational reaction and mitigation algorithms", (Addressed in WP4).

Objective 3: "Deploying, validating, and testing the solution in realistic live demonstrations over 8 different climate scenarios, biogeographical/socio-economic contexts",(Addressed in WP4, WP5, WP6, and WP8).

Objective 4: "Protecting human lives, the environment and the property",(Addressed in WP4, and WP5).
- Administrative and financial management of the project was carried out.
- 6 General Assembly, 8 Steering Group meetings, and one External Advisory Board meeting were organized, in addition to numerous internal meetings.

- Specification of functional and non-functional requirements of the pilot use cases in the prevention, preparedness, detection, response, restoration, and adaption phase of wildfires.
- Deep review of socioeconomic conditions of wildfires through an extensive literature review as well as a curation of past wildfire incidents from all pilot countries.
- Engagement and empowerment of stakeholders and actors via targeted online and in-person workshops, questionnaires, and surveys.

- Conducted a survey (48 answers) among TREEADS members to gather information on ecological and environmental wildfire models.
- Conducted a literature review of 182 articles on stakeholder engagement in wildfire management and 150 articles on innovations, technologies, and trends in wildfire management.
- Developed the first version of the TREEADS Platform architecture, including a Mock-up representation.

- A first prototype for fire and wind propagation has been developed and tested in different locations.
- The structure and architecture of the Early Warning System and Fire Management System have been defined.
- A first approach for detailed forest mapping based on information coming from satellites and drones has been presented and tested.

- Training of Object Detection models and the creation of 3D forest model was started to be used by the Digital Twin (synergy between Agroforestry Index, Fire simulation or Decision Support). In this regard, experiments on filtering and denoising algorithms to improve 3D reconstruction were performed.
- Wearable sensors and equipment (incl. AR Helmet) were designed and an integrated AR Helmet prototype was created.
- Showcasing a demo with the interactions within the Enhanced Reality Demonstrator and a lite version of the Authoring Tool for Scenarios and Virtual environment assembly.

- A first approach of Artificial Intelligent Soil Assessment with an investigation of several soil characteristics has been completed.
- Soil assessment field excursion for soil samples, Seed Container Capsule (SCC) design, Seedling Regeneration System Prototype have been completed.
- Extensive research for restoration features and methodologies, thorough architecture, documentation, requirements, designs as well as related data collection for the DSS have been completed.

- Formalization of the inventory where to store information related to TREEADS technological offering.
- Design and implementation of TREEADS Holistic Platform (THP), which builds on Maggioli’s Digital Twin enabler platform MIRA that results from previous project (i.e. Factlog).
- Provision of a modelling framework allowing pilot owners to model their ecosystem in terms of assets, networks, and TREEADS technologies to be used.

- Eeach pilot has defined its specific User Scenarios
- Pilot Campaign Plan, has been developed for each of the pilot.
- The accurate perimeter of each of the pilot areas has been mapped

- The identification of a set of over seventy (70) exploitable assets that are currently under development in the project and that will be produced by the end of the project.
- The specification of business models and IP ownership information for each one of the above-listed assets.
- The identification and documentation of a set of relevant projects and services as part of the TREEADS market analysis activities.

-Multimedia channels such as an introductory video on the project's YouTube channel, an interview series with project partners and a regular e-Newsletter published every 3 to 4 months.
-Active participation in workshops, conferences, and exhibitions provides valuable opportunities to present the project and its solutions.
-Collaboration with the Coordination Support Action (CSA) and other Green Deal-funded projects has expanded the project's reach and established partnerships.
The TREEADS project will bring benefits for the society in terms of:
- Technological and business impact: Enhance innovation capacity and create new market opportunities by developing new solutions, e.g. adapting UAV systems for forest surveillance, thus opening up for higher market uptake of similar technologies.

- Industrial impact: Strengthen competitiveness and growth of companies by providing proposals for forestry regulation changes, hence increasing the demand for industrial innovation on wildfire preparedness, response, and restoration.

- Academic impact: Enhanced transfer of knowledge among stakeholders (industry, research, etc.) by engagement in dialogue regarding wildfire safety during TREEADS workshops/seminars.

- Public and industrial impact: Wider awareness towards the importance of safety needs in the forests, and wildland urban interface(WUI) by TREEADS dissemination activities, including advisory groups, wildfire risk management (WFRM) clustering activities, and several public conferences.
TREEADS Leaflet Page 2
TREEADS Leaflet Page 1