The aim of INNOVA MEASURE V, which is carried out by the Directorate-General Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission, is to support the work of the Directorate-General for Research & Innovation (R&I). It builds on the outcomes and capacities developed within the framework of the INNOVA MEASURE I-IV projects, and focuses on three research streams: i) the development and update of the methodologies concerning composite indicators and dashboards measuring R&I performance of EU Member States (MSs); (ii) the mapping of green and digital inventions in the EU alongside their knowledge source and the analysis of the role of innovative foreign direct investment (FDI) in the knowledge diffusion underlying these innovations; (iii) the assessment of the contribution of advanced digital technologies to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These themes are structured in three Work Packages, supplemented by a fourth one for the dissemination of results.
The overall objective is to provide new evidence for R&I policies in the EU in line with the current policy agenda of the European Commission. Overall, the project provided robust indicators for policy and improved the understanding of the EU innovative performance in the green and digital domains, as well as of the determinants and consequences of ongoing economic transformations such as the “digital transformation”, which are all issues of key relevance for both the policy and scientific communities, as well as for the society at large.