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New Enabling Visions and tools for End-useRs and stakeholders thanks to a common MOdeling fRamework towards a climatE neutral and resilient society

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - NEVERMORE (New Enabling Visions and tools for End-useRs and stakeholders thanks to a common MOdeling fRamework towards a climatE neutral and resilient society)

Période du rapport: 2022-06-01 au 2023-11-30

The NEVERMORE project aims to advance research on climate science and policy by promoting an integrated assessment approach to address the impacts, risks, and interactions of climate change across sectors. It recognizes the importance of translating scientific insights into effective policy and social practices. The project focuses on engaging policymakers and civil society in climate action with the following key objectives:
ADVANCING interdisciplinary co-production of knowledge: Leveraging the Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) from MEDEAS 1, 2 and LOCOMOTION EU-funded projects; Building an integrated modeling approach to understand climate change impacts, feedbacks, and interactions between adaptation and mitigation strategies (NEVERMORE results: R1 - Downscaling algorithms for climate data; R2 - Cross-sectoral methodology for modelling climate change impacts, risks, A&M effects; R3 - Open-source-code IAM).
EVALUATING climate change impacts and strategies: Developing a common assessment framework for robust evaluation at global to local scales, by validating the framework in five case studies across Europe: Sitia-Crete-GR, Trentino-IT, Norrbotten-SE, Murcia-ES, Danube delta-RO (NEVERMORE results: R4 - KPI Panel consistent across scales and R5 - Catalogue explorer of A&M strategies).
SUPPORTING policy-makers with user-friendly tools: Providing tools for policy coherence tailored to the needs of decision-makers (NEVERMORE results: R6 - Integrated common assessment framework; R7 - 6 Policy briefs; R8 - NEVERMORE ICT toolkit).
INFORMING stakeholders and end-users: Enhancing knowledge and understanding of climate change effects and scenarios through various channels (NEVERMORE result: R9 - Knowledge exchanger).
UPTAKING research outputs for global climate action: Fostering international cooperation and partnerships toward coordinated global climate action (NEVERMORE result: R10 - Training programme).
The project leverages and pursues participatory approaches, by setting-up Local Councils of Stakeholders in the 5 Case Studies and a Transnational Council of Stakeholders, to engage a variety of actors in the co-design of models, tools, and policies for climate adaptation. This interdisciplinary research approach integrates climate science, Earth Systems information, climate change impacts and risks analysis, as well as social knowledge to create a consistent common assessment framework across scales. The five case studies in different EU contexts serve to validate the NEVERMORE approach and solutions, considering socio-ecological variability, sectoral vulnerability, and environmental challenges.
In RP1, significant progress has been made across various work packages (WPs). In WP2, four tasks were addressed and five deliverables submitted. Task 2.3 developed an engagement strategy for establishing the Local and Transnational Councils, leading to several consultations and the achievement of milestones MS2 and MS3. WP3 saw the completion of T3.1 and the release of D3.1 defining features for the improved climate module of the WILIAM model. T3.3 provided an overview of relevant data from ISIMIP, while T3.2 focused on downscaling climate information, and T3.4 continued evaluating uncertainty and tipping points in climate scenarios. WP4 completed T4.1 offering scenario implementation for the WILIAM model, while T4.2 is ongoing, defining multi-sectoral climate change impacts. WP5 accomplished T5.1 and T5.2 reviewing policy documents, and T5.3 T5.4 and T5.5 are in progress for holistic policy analysis. In WP6, T6.1 characterized NEVERMORE Case Studies, and ongoing tasks focus on determining impacts, risks, and vulnerabilities at the case study level. WP7 completed the design of the ICT toolkit components' architecture, setting the ground for the development phase, while WP8 released the project communication and dissemination strategy, establishing project identity and communication channels.
The steps followed to achieve the results presented in RP1, are the basis to obtain the identified Key Exploitable Results (KERs) at the end of the project. The list of KERs includes the NEVERMORE results (R) mentioned above.
In terms of progress beyond the state of the art and impacts, at this was the first stage of the project only preliminary progress can be reported. However, the path of each WP that contributes to the establishment of the basis towards ambitions and impacts is shown: WP2 "Stakeholder engagement, co-design activities and social science for climate action" contributes to the project Ambition 1 "To obtain inputs from a wide range of stakeholder groups, leveraging social innovation models, participatory processes and co-creation techniques to design, deploy, demonstrate and promote tools, models, and services towards climate neutrality and resilience" and Ambition 2 "To incorporate social knowledge and its feedbacks with climate change in the modelling, including social drivers and barriers", as well as to the achievement of Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 of the topic HORIZON-CL5-2021-D1-01-05 and Impact 1 of the destination.
WP3 "Climate science information" contributes to Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 of the topic and Impacts 1 and 4 of the Destination. WP4 "Design, modelling & integration of economic, environmental & social damages functions" contributes to the project Ambition 2 "To incorporate social knowledge and its feedbacks with climate change in the modelling, including social drivers and barriers", Ambition 3 "To integrate climate science and Earth Systems information in the WILIAM IAM", Ambition 4 "To incorporate climate change impacts and risks (economic, social and environmental) in the common multi-scale modelling approach", as well as to the achievement of Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 of the topic and Impact 1 of the destination.
WP5 "Climate change mitigation and adaptation policies" contributes to the achievement of the topic's Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 and of Impact 1 and 4 of the destination. WP6 "Analysis of climate change impacts and risk at case studies" contributes to the project Ambition 4 "To incorporate climate change impacts and risks in the common multi-scale modelling approach", Ambition 5 "Integrated assessment framework of the effects of adaptation and mitigation policies and measures at different levels including their co-benefits, trade-offs and impacts on the SDGs", as well as to the achievement of Outcomes 2 and 3 of the topic and Impact 1 of the destination. WP7 "ICT Toolkit design, development and deployment" contributes to the project Ambition 6 "Open Science ICT toolkit for sustainable mitigation and adaptation policies and strategies evaluation at local, EU and global scales", as well as to the achievement of Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 of the topic and Impacts 1, 3 and 4 of the destination.WP8 "Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation" contributes to the Outcomes 4 and 5 of the topic as well as of the Impacts 2, 3 and 4 of the destination.
NEVERMORE Consortium
NEVERMORE Local Events
NEVERMORE participatory activities with Local Councils