Periodic Reporting for period 1 - HESTIA (HydrogEn combuSTion In Aero engines)
Reporting period: 2022-09-01 to 2024-02-29
Within the framework of WP2, a burner geometry which uses a jet in crossflow injection scheme has been designed. Three different injectors with the same injection properties have been manufactured, each featuring an upstream shift of the injection orifices creating different premixed levels of hydrogen and air. Extensive measurement data already has been collected for one of the configurations under different operation conditions. Moreover, the simulation of the first configuration for the only slightly premixed level of hydrogen and air has started. Furthermore, CFD work has been done on the development of hydrogen fuel injector for an RQL combustion system. Three types of injection concepts, co-axial jet, planar jet and jet-in-cross flow have been defined and their CFD assessment was carried out. The findings from CFD and WP3 fundamental studies were reviewed and it ultimately led to the selection of a direct injection multipoint design for the first test campaign in Q2 2024.
Finally, the progress towards the WP3 objectives can be summarised in the realisation of the following significant results: atmospheric test rig designed and under manufacture & initial testing scheduled for Q2 2024; elevated pressure test rig concept complete, design for manufacture under way; on course to achieve low TRL test rig design objective; identified novel multipoint hydrogen injection concepts with relevance to aerospace applications from fundamental scaling analysis; theoretical development of a novel measurement technique for interrogation of hydrogen flames.