Periodic Reporting for period 1 - GES4SEAS (Achieving Good Environmental Status for maintaining ecosystem SErvices, by ASsessing integrated impacts of cumulative pressures)
Reporting period: 2022-09-01 to 2024-02-29
• In WP2, we have revised the EBM approaches available (D2.1) we have developed new methods and the approaches to address HABs, jellyfish outbreaks, invasive species and decline of top predators (D2.2) and the guidelines for a practical EBM (D2.3). These have resulted in several tools and approaches which have been started to be tested in learning sites (WP5) throughout 2024.
• In WP3, we have decided on the methods and approaches for ecosystem services assessment, tipping points setting, scenarios modelling, and capacity building, collated in D3.1.
• In WP4, we build a proof of concept of the toolbox, which was discussed with the PAB and partners, and presented to the MSFD GES Working group in October 2023. After the comments and feedback received from the PAB and end-users, the partners have prepared a first version of the toolbox, which was released in January 2024, and is going to be tested and challenged by the LSs in WP5, during 2024. This will serve to build a second version more advanced, fitting with the needs of end-users.
• In WP5, we have assessed LSs interest as well as data and knowledge gaps using a standardized survey. Further, we have developed a data management plan (D5.1) and supported the LSs in preparing their datasets and start testing the toolbox and the remaining approaches developed within WP2-WP3 during 2024.
• In WP6 we have completed the DEC Plan (D6.1) building six key messages, co-created with the PAB and refined later, which are driving our communication, using successful infographics and animated videos, as well as a Rubik cube to transmit the ideas there. Also, we have organized already two summer schools, in collaboration with five sister projects and have published 34 papers. One X Massive Open Online Course was also implemented, and several meetings were organized with Ocean Teacher Global Academy (IOC-UN) to organize and prepare the educational materials. This WP is also supporting a self-organizing group of Early Career Researchers, which is open to other Horizon Europe projects.
• SEAS4GES is a decision-support tool based on a scoring system designed by experts for selecting the most suitable tool for helping managers in taking decisions that should contribute to the ecosystem-based management. It is intended to be used by managers in selecting the best options when looking for tools to decide on the status of the sea.
• SCAIRM is a spatial explicit cumulative impact assessment method, specifically developed for application to guide ecosystem-based management. It is intended to guide managers and scientists in evaluating the cumulative effects of human activities and pressures.
• CIMPAL (Cumulative impacts of invasive alien species, IAS), is an additive model based on IAS and habitat distributions, which reported magnitude of cumulative impacts and the strength of evidence. Based on a previous existing method, a software has been developed that should facilitate its use, especially within the MSFD, D2 (non-indigenous species).
• ECOfast is the result of a collaboration between GES4SEAS and MIS projects and is an integrative ecological evaluation index for an ecosystem-based assessment of shallow reefs communities. It is intended to be used in MSFD, D6 (sea-floor integrity).
• GES4SEAS toolbox is a software to assess cumulative pressure effects, the environmental status of the sea, and the supply of ecosystem services, in a single tool. Until now, we have developed a prototype and now we have the first version of the final toolbox. It is intended to be used by scientists and managers in assessing the status under the MSFD (all descriptors), but also in other legislation, such as the Water Framework Directive or the Habitats Directive.