Representing 30% of its population and over 80% of its territory, EU rural areas are facing simultaneous demographic, climate, economic, social and environmental changes which affect their characteristics and metabolisms. Responding to these challenges requires a precise understanding of what rural areas are and what rural communities are facing nowadays. Definitions of rural areas tend to lean on population density or size. They do not provide sufficient insights into the dynamics, drivers and fluidity of contemporary diverse rural-urban relations and identities that characterize ruralities across Europe. Despite the increasing acknowledgement that rural areas are diverse and that typologies should better reflect the identities of such territories, the lack of data at a fine scale prevents such innovations. Departing from an updated conceptualisation of rurality based on the multi-dimensional nature of contemporary rural-urban interrelations and interdependencies, GRANULAR will generate new insights for characterising rural diversity based on a multi-actor and interdisciplinary approach. Based on insights from Multi-Actor Labs, it will generate novel datasets using a wide range of methods and primary data, such as remote sensing, crowd-sourced data, mobile phone data and web-scraping. This data will then be combined with a variety of existing institutional data to derive indicators relevant to rural communities for the implementation of the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas (LTVRA), so to measure resilience, well-being, quality of life and attractiveness. This will enable GRANULAR to create a Rural Compass, that take into account the factors affecting rural communities and their functional characteristics, informing policymakers and rural actors for the design of tailored rural policies. After ensuring the up-scalability of the results, datasets, data visualization and other tools will be directly available on a dedicated platform designed by and for rural actors.
Régime de financement
HORIZON-RIA - HORIZON Research and Innovation ActionsCoordinateur
75116 Paris
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Participants (22)
11186 Stockholm
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6708 PB Wageningen
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2361 Laxenburg
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56126 Pisa
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118 55 ATHINA
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1040 Bruxelles / Brussel
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L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.
165 00 Praha
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75794 Paris
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Entité juridique autre qu’un sous-traitant qui est affiliée ou juridiquement liée à un participant. L’entité réalise des travaux dans les conditions prévues par la convention de subvention, fournit des biens ou des services pour l’action, mais n’a pas signé la convention de subvention. Le tiers respecte les règles applicables au participant qui lui est lié dans le cadre de la convention de subvention en ce qui concerne l’éligibilité des coûts et le contrôle des dépenses.
75006 Paris
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05-822 Milanowek
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38116 Braunschweig
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Voir sur la carte
36310 Vigo Pontevedra
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1040 Etterbeek
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901 89 Umea
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56048 Volterra
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00790 Helsinki
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66400 Ceret
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75 453 Koszalin
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73100 Chania
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20122 Milano
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Partenaires (2)
Les organisations partenaires contribuent à la mise en œuvre de l’action, mais ne signent pas la convention de subvention.
SO17 1BJ Southampton
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Les organisations partenaires contribuent à la mise en œuvre de l’action, mais ne signent pas la convention de subvention.
DD2 5DA Dundee
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