Periodic Reporting for period 1 - FRESH (Formate for Renewable Energy Storage)
Reporting period: 2022-07-01 to 2023-12-31
The project includes development of the individual components (CO2 to formate and formate to electricity), CO2 sourcing and purification and ultimately the construction and validation of an integrated protoype. This will be achieved by the implementation of a series of interconnected work packages. FRESH is structured around five technical work packages and two ‘enabling/value adding’ work packages, supporting dissemination, exploitation and management activities. Development of the CO2 to Potassium Formate reactor in WP2. In WP3, power generation from Potassium Formate will be investigated using direct fuel cell systems. Integration of variable simulated industrial CO2 sources and purification capabilities in WP4.
The tasks regarding these three technologies will be carried out in parallel. Special attention will be given to the tuning of the Potassium Formate stream from the CO2 electrolyzer. Finally, the overall prototype will be designed with the knowledge and output acquired from WP2, WP3 and WP4. This WP involves construction and operation of the prototype plant. WP5 is also dedicated to the validation of the complete system, as well as performing system trials. WP6 involves a variety of analyses to ensure sustainable choices and realistic input parameters in other WPs. A Life Cycle Assessment and Techno-economic analysis will be carried out along with a financial and market study.
FRESH addresses the work program topic by (1) developing a new renewable energy storage technology (2) highly workable concept & approach, (3) implementation work plan & strategy, (4) a validated prototype, (5) participants with excellent track records for project execution and exploitation and (6) comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment and Techno-economic analysis and energy market evaluation of this new technology.
The consortium consists of 8 partners of which 3 research institutes (CNR, CERTH and FZJ), 4 industrial partners (COVAL Energy, ENGIE laboelec, HYSYTECH, EEMPOWER) and 1 university (DTU) from 6 EU member states.
In WP2, research has been undertaken to optimize the reactor for the transformation of CO2 to potassium formate. In parallel to this technical study, a Front-End Engineering Design was developed for the CO2 electrolyzer including an optional post reactor purification process. The research work carried out in WP2 has improved the reactor performance by using a zero-gap architecture, testing different membranes, improving the flow distribution and improving the anode and cathode materials.
Work in WP3, has involved the optimization of anode and cathode electrode structures for the direct fuel cell system and testing in single test fuel cells with a commercial Anion Exchange Membrane. The best combination of materials and preparation processes have been determined and the results of testing of the optimized electrode structures in lab cells using model fuel solutions that match the composition of potassium formate produced by the CO2 reactor. This was followed by the successful manufacture of up-scaled electrodes for incorporation and testing in a fuel cell stack. The five cell fuel cell STACK has been designed and constructed and is being tested.
In WP4, work has involved investigations into suitable sources of CO2 for the FRESH technology. This work involved mapping of biogenic CO2 sources in the EU and comparison with other CO2 point sources. The CO2 to be fed into the CO2 to formate reactor may contain various impurities that highly depend upon the nature of the CO2 source. All of the impurities identified were analysed for their potential impact on the catalysts or with the electrolyte of the electrolysis cell. The results of this study have identified the best matches of CO2 source for the FRESH technology.
The above activities will feed into WP5 where the prototype will be designed and constructed. Initial work has involved the identification of necessary utilities at the HYSYTECH workshop for process validation at TRL 4. Work is on-going towards the engineering design comprising: prototype capacity, block schematics, indicated layout, Process flow diagram and Piping and instrumentation diagram.
Work in the Life cycle and techno-economic assessment has involved firstly an initial definition of boundary conditions and reference framework. A block diagram was then used to create a process flow representation through Aspen Plus followed by transfer of calculation results into the process flow diagram. An initial analysis of a market model was developed to study the economic viability of the FRESH technology in the framework of renewable energy markets.