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European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Implementation Phase

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - E-RIHS IP (European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Implementation Phase)

Période du rapport: 2022-10-01 au 2023-09-30

Enhancing the knowledge, preservation, and sustainable use of heritage requires research capabilities and resources. Providing integrated access to interdisciplinary knowledge, data, and cutting-edge technology is the goal of the distributed European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science (E-RIHS).
E-RIHS serves the Heritage Science community by providing users, including both scholars and practitioners, with centrally managed access to expertise, know-how, research capacity, and resources through four integrated physical and virtual platforms. These are: ARCHLAB, on-site physical or digital archives of scientific information and reference collections; FIXLAB, fixed-located analytical facilities to study CH samples or movable objects; MOLAB, mobile labs and expert staff performing non-invasive and multi-technique diagnostic measurements of CH on-site; DIGILAB, virtual access to digital data repositories complemented with tools for creating new knowledge. ARCHLAB, MOLAB and FIXLAB are operational in the INFRAIA project IPERION HS, while DIGILAB is under design in the E-RIHS IP project. E-RIHS supports a wide variety of research from object-focused case studies to large-scale longer-term research projects. E-RIHS also promotes best practices and delivers vanguard training (HS Academy) while integrating world-leading EU facilities into a unique organisation with a significant cohesive role in the global Heritage Science community.
In this regard, fourteen national nodes and three observers are gathered via the EU-funded E-RIHS Implementation Phase project (E-RIHS IP) to assist the creation of the European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) and to enable the operational status of the E-RIHS ERIC also in support of its positioning as the reference RI for the Heritage Science (HS) domain at the EU and global level.
Work strives for E-RIHS to begin its operational phase and to establish itself as a reference for excellent research for the large community of Heritage Science, the interdisciplinary domain that brings together STEM and SSH to better knowledge, conservation, and appreciation of cultural heritage.
During the project, significant attention has been devoted to the procedures associated with the initiation of the E-RIHS ERIC. In this context, pivotal project-related documents, such as the project handbook and Data Management Plan for E-RIHS IP, have been formulated to ensure the seamless execution of tasks. Progress has been made in the delineation of essential procedural documents for E-RIHS IP, encompassing aspects like the business plan, procurement, quality system, the Service Legal Agreement, user and access strategies, and the development of a comprehensive catalogue of services.
E-RIHS ERIC Human Resources Strategy and Procedures have been defined, and the E-RIHS IP Management Team was established in E-RIHS ERIC-to-be temporary Central Hub offices at the Manifattura Tabacchi in Florence, Italy.
Concerted efforts have been directed towards fostering collaboration between E-RIHS and international partners, as well as other EU research infrastructures and initiatives. This collaborative approach seeks to strengthen a cohesive community within and outside Europe.
It is noteworthy that these accomplishments have been made possible through the implementation of a customized methodology tailored to the specific needs of E-RIHS IP, addressing identified bottlenecks.
Simultaneously, the formal request (Step 2) for E-RIHS to attain ERIC status was submitted to the European Commission in March 2023.
The E-RIHS IP project has achieved significant milestones in operationalizing the E-RIHS ERIC, focusing on key areas. Firstly, efforts were directed towards establishing a robust governance structure with the creation of the Research Infrastructure Advisory Board (RIAB), providing valuable insights for ERIC development. Concurrently, procurement and human resources policies were defined to ensure effective functioning.
The project also worked on finalizing the distributed architecture, coordinating operations between the Central Hub and National Nodes. The creation of a Service Level Agreement (SLA) template and close collaboration with the Committee of National Nodes (iCNN) contributed to shaping an efficient distributed architecture.
A critical aspect of the project was risk management, with the development of a detailed risk identification and mitigation plan. This endeavor aims to provide a solid foundation for a robust risk management strategy.
Maintaining user access excellence was achieved through the implementation of a quality system and the refinement of access policies. Additionally, actions were taken to ensure compliance with data openness and interoperability principles.
The project also focused on strengthening E-RIHS's international presence through the signing of memoranda of understanding and collaboration with global projects and networks.
The scientific community in heritage science was consolidated around E-RIHS, positioning it as a recognized center of research excellence and an innovation incubator. The strategic approach included efforts to engage new user communities and stakeholders.
A particular emphasis was placed on financial sustainability through harmonized membership fees and an expanded membership base. The goal is to enhance scientific and socio-economic impact, making E-RIHS more financially sustainable.
Lastly, efforts were made to unlock the socio-economic potential of E-RIHS through measurable strategies for stakeholder engagement and public awareness. Planning a flexible business model, considering alternative funding mechanisms, is a crucial step for the organization's future.
E-RIHS MOLAB at the Munch Museum in Oslo during an investigation campaign
E-RIHS IP kickoff at Manifattura Tabacchi, Florence, Italy
E-RIHS temporary headquarters at Manifattura Tabacchi, Florence, Italy