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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Next generation multiplatform Ocean observing technologies for research infrastructures

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - GEORGE (Next generation multiplatform Ocean observing technologies for research infrastructures)

Période du rapport: 2023-01-01 au 2023-12-31

Ocean observing research infrastructures (RIs) in Europe (i.e. ICOS, EMSO, Euro-Argo) have successfully implemented a world-leading system of standardised Ocean observations over the past 15 years building on more of a century of experiences by the involved marine institutes. This community has joined forces in the GEORGE project proposal to take them to the next level of technology: systematic long-term autonomous observations. GEORGE aims to develop and demonstrate a state-of-the-art biogeochemical, multi-platform observing system operated across ERICs that can carry out integrated biogeochemical observations for characterisation of the Ocean carbon system. Large improvements in oceanic observations are necessary to deliver a fit-for-purpose observing system capable of real-time estimates of the uptake of carbon by all relevant parts of the ocean. This includes the deep sea and coastal zone and will in turn support better decision-making relevant to both climate (the scale and timing of mitigation and adaptation measures) and food production (the scale and location of aquaculture). The challenges include developing better technologies and improving network organisation and standardisation. Advances will provide more consistent data streams with greater accessibility to support and improve the related science and assessment associated with the state and variability of the oceans. The main aim of the GEORGE project is to develop and demonstrate a state-of-the-art biogeochemical, multi-platform observing system operated across ERICs that can carry out integrated biogeochemical observations for characterisation of the ocean carbon system. One of the project's principal aims is to advance the technology readiness level of state-of-the-art sensors, enabling for the first time systematic autonomous, in situ, seawater CO2 system characterisation and determination of CO2 fluxes on moving and fixed platforms. Together with sensor manufacturers, GEORGE will optimise sensor technologies for measurements on platforms operated by ERICs and according to their operational requirements. Technology will be co-developed between industry and ERICs ensuring a direct route to market and potential for scalability. The technologies will be validated according to a rigorous TRL progression engineering process and demonstrated at sea as an integrated multi-platform observing system during several field campaigns where ERICs are active.

The Main Objectives:
1. To enable high-quality ocean carbon observations from the surface to the seafloor  
2. To facilitate enhanced resolution, coverage and continuity of marine observations
3. To integrate and streamline ocean carbon observations across European marine RIs
4. To train professionals engaging in marine observation
5. To engage with European SMEs through co-development and evaluation of technologies
6. To demonstrate an integrated observing system at sea operated by the three ERICs
7. To incorporate the project results in the international ocean observing systems, databases and initiatives.
GEORGE will enhance the observing capability of ERICs and their effectiveness in monitoring ocean biogeochemistry and carbon cycling by: a) advancing the technology readiness level of state-of-the-art sensors (WP2), b) enhancing the observing capability of autonomous platforms (WP3) equipping them with the latest sensor technology and developing communication from and between platforms and by incorporating novel autonomous vehicles to the ERIC observing fleet, c) harmonising technologies, methods and SOPs for biogeochemical observing and develop a framework for multi-platform, cross-ERIC biogeochemical observing from sensor to data repositories (WP4), d) building capacity in ERICs by providing training in the use of new technologies and SOPs on data handling and reporting to staff and member organisations (WP6), and e) facilitating cooperation between industry and ERICs ensuring direct route to market and potential for scalability (eg. WPs 2,3,7) of new technologies.

During the First Reporting Period the main achievement were made with innovation work carried out using lab-on-chip technologies for sensor development. The development on platforms depends on the previous one; thus, the progress during the first year contains updates in the platform software. Integration and interoperability can truly be advanced only once the novel technologies are available. Yet, these do go hand in hand and already at the innovation stage you must be aware of using the same kind of vocabularies for the data to be interoperable at the end.