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Equitable RESilience solutions to strengthen the link between CUltural landscapEs and coMmunitiEs

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - RescueME (Equitable RESilience solutions to strengthen the link between CUltural landscapEs and coMmunitiEs)

Reporting period: 2023-02-01 to 2024-01-31

The project aims to address critical gaps in current approaches to heritage conservation and resilience in the face of climate change. In Europe, Cultural Heritage (CH) is not only personally significant but also crucial for the European Union's identity and economy. The main goal of RescueME is to develop, test and demonstrate the effectiveness of an Actionable Framework based on the Resilient Historical Landscape approach (RHL) complemented by data, models, methods, and tools able to assess risks and opportunities, co-develop inclusive and just resilience strategies and innovative solutions to protect European cultural heritage and cultural landscapes. Social sciences and humanities play a vital role in the project, particularly in co-designing frameworks and strategies, engaging stakeholders, and co-producing knowledge.
The project is structured in eight objectives:
1. Building the frame: Developing a replicable RescueME Actionable Framework based on the Resilient Historical Landscape approach, integrating socio-ecological-cultural aspects and utilizing advanced technologies for data-driven assessment.
2. Triggering action using a multi-scale method to make the value of Cultural Landscapes (CL) and heritage diversity quantifiable, considering soft benefits like well-being and tourism, aiming to trigger action at both European and local levels.
3. Mobilize resources through ready-to-use tools like organigraphs for stakeholder mapping, Agent-Based Modeling (ABM), and crowdsourcing techniques, engaging communities and cultural sectors for heritage stewardship.
4. Facilitate evidence-based decision-making with a meta-repository of solutions from previous projects, characterized by their impact and carbon footprint, implemented through a dynamic decision support system.
5. Co-produce local knowledge and increase engagement of communities with CL through interactive knowledge co-production, aiming to enhance social awareness and appreciation of resilience measures.
6. Monitoring & managing: Develop an indicator-based monitoring strategy linked to resilience pathways, engaging communities in co-monitoring heritage diversity and identifying adaptive governance models.
7. Transfer & scale-up, and tailor proposed policies and actions through a Community of Practice, producing a long-term agenda for transformative resilience and providing user-friendly information through a one-stop-shop.
In the first period of RescueME, the general framework and the knowledge and data management base have been established developing a replicable RescueME Actionable Framework based on the Resilient Historical Landscape approach, integrating socio-ecological-cultural aspects and utilizing advanced technologies for data-driven assessment. This framework has been the basis for one of the principal milestones of the project: the development of the “ATLAS of European coastal heritage landscapes typologies and climate change impacts” and the associated policy report. In this ATLAS 513 European coastal regions have been characterised regarding the five capitals that define cultural landscapes (natural, built, social, human and financial capitals) and a risk assessment has been carried out. The risks considered have been pluvial, river and coastal floods, landslides, droughts, wildfires, heatwaves and poor air quality. A policy report has been produced with the main results and recommendations and the ATLAS has been implemented in a user-friendly web tool that will be the entry point of the incremental spatial Decision Support System to be implemented in the project.
A practical framework for a meta-repository of resilience solutions has been produced and the collection of solutions to improve the resilience of our Cultural Landscapes has been initiated. So far 273 solutions have been collected. Extensive groundwork has been done to follow the human-centred approach and understand the user requirements, priorities and needs. All the technical work has been continually supported, fed, shaped and fine-tuned by the work carried with our case studies (R-labs). 5 R-Labs have been established across Europe and they have been coordinated to provide continuous inputs for co-creation, validation and replication of all the results.
RescueME has developed a heritage-centric Resilient Heritage Landscape (RHL) approach that connects heritage with nature and community within a complex socio-ecological systems (SES) perspective. RescueME is in the process of developing a method aimed at collaboratively characterizing heritage diversity in Cultural Landscapes, comprehensively and operationally, across various scales. This method has been instrumental in defining the impacts of Climate Change on Coastal Cultural Landscapes and in producing an ATLAS at the European level. Moreover, RescueME has introduced and initiated the implementation of an innovative R-labscape approach to enhance the resilience of Cultural Landscapes. This approach places communities at the forefront of the process, engaging them as co-validators and co-generators of resilience and knowledge.
ATLAS of coastal landscapes and Climate Change Impacts
Resilent Historic Landscapes Framework