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6G Non Terrestrial Networks

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


Report on vLEO space segment (1st version)

This deliverable describes the first version of the proposed configuration and sizing of the VLEO space segment. It includes sizing trade-offs taking into account cost, deployment duration and performances (latency, throughput) aspects as well as impacts on the platform performances (electrical and thermal power)

Report on system requirements

This deliverable describes the general approach to identify the system requirements within the project. The report then describes the list of system requirements, including sections on service requirements and the key performance indicators of the system, as well as the selected sustainability requirements and metrics. Finally, it will also provide a set of traffic scenarios for the system dimensioning.

Report on 3D multi layered NTN architecture (1st version)

This deliverable defines the first version of the proposed architecture (functional and physical) as well as the design trade-offs, the characterization of the service/feeder/inter node links, as well as the operational constraints with which radio resource, mobility management, and routing techniques have to cope with.

Dissemination and Communication Strategy and Plan

This deliverable provides the dissemination and communication foundation, including the strategic guidance to direct 6G-NTN community building activities for broad and durable impact. It will be led by Task 6.1 with input from Tasks 6.2

Report on regulatory requirements

This deliverable analyses the applicable regulatory framework and the spectrum usage conditions for the considered bands between the 6G NTN components, and subsequent regulatory-related requirements for the system.

Report on unified and data driven air-interface for 6G-NTN (1st version)

This deliverable will provide the first version of the initial developments related to the design of the unified waveform for 6G NTN [M17]. The deliverable will be updated with the final report on unified and data-driven air-interface for 6G, providing the final developments related to the design of the unified waveform for 6G NTN in [M36]. Led by Task 4.1. (First version)

Report on 6G-NTN radio controller (1st version)

This deliverable will provide the first version of the initial evaluations of the data-driven controllers [M17]. The deliverable will also include preliminary applications for 6G NTN radio control providing the initial developments in software of the data-driven controllers at [M17] and will be updated with final developments of the data-driven controllers and software of the data-driven controllers at [M36]. Led by Task 4.2.

Report on software defined payload and its scalability (1st version)

This deliverable describes the first version of the proposed design and sizing of the scalable software defined payload and identifies the common and specific building blocks for the various flying NTN nodes (GSO, NGSO, HAPS and drones) and across different frequency bands (sub-6 GHz and above 10 GHz)..

Impact Creation Mid-Term Report

This deliverable reports the dissemination, communication and community building activities carried out in the first 18 months, providing a detailed plan for the second half of the project. It will be led by Task 6.1 with input from Tasks 6.2.

Standardisation, Exploitation and Sustainability Strategy and Plan

This deliverable presents the exploitation and sustainability strategy and plan reporting on the activities pursued in the first reporting period and indicating the plan for the second part of the project. It will be led by Task 6.4, with input from Task 6.3.

Report on 3D multi layered NTN architecture (2nd version)

This deliverable defines the second version of the proposed architecture (functional and physical) as well as the design trade-offs, the characterization of the service/feeder/inter node links, as well as the operational constraints with which radio resource, mobility management, and routing techniques have to cope with.

Spectrum regulation analysis for 6G NTN scenarios (2nd version)

This deliverable focus on an initial spectrum regulation analysis of 6G NTN spectrum bands and their utilization. A preliminary analysis and use cases will be provided in order to identify potential novel spectrum allocations [M08]. A deliverable update with a preliminary report on spectrum management techniques including initial developments of spectrum coexistence techniques with be provided at [M17], and a final report on spectrum management techniques will provide the final developments of spectrum coexistence techniques at [M36]. Led by Task 4.3. (Second version)

Report on terminals (1st version)

This deliverable describes the first version of the proposed architecture (functional and physical), as well as the design trade-offs and the characteristics of the ultra-small aperture terminal (USAT) operating in both mmWave and sub-6GHz bands including its RF performances (Rx and Tx). It also analyses, for smartphones, the impact (architecture, Bill Of Material) associated to the support of the C-band in addition to other sub-6 GHz bands and it characterizes the possible RF performances (Tx and Rx) in C band., A cost comparison with legacy VSAT is also reported.

Report on user requirements

This deliverable first describes the methodology followed to identify and gather the project user requirements (including how the consortium interacted with the External Advisory Board). It then gives a detailed view of the selected list of user requirements.

Use case report

This deliverable provides a list of the most relevant use cases that describe, under selected vertical and consumer contexts, how the 6G NTN technology shall be used.

Spectrum regulation analysis for 6G NTN scenarios (1st version)

This deliverable focus on an initial spectrum regulation analysis of 6G NTN spectrum bands and their utilization. A preliminary analysis and use cases will be provided in order to identify potential novel spectrum allocations [M08]. A deliverable update with a preliminary report on spectrum management techniques including initial developments of spectrum coexistence techniques with be provided at [M17], and a final report on spectrum management techniques will provide the final developments of spectrum coexistence techniques at [M36]. Led by Task 4.3. (First version)


The DMP will provide the identification elements and the descriptions of the data sets and will include details regarding how the research data will be handled during the project and how they will be preserved after it is completed. It will specify which methodologies and standards will be used in the data creation and management and how and when the data will be shared and made open for re-use.

Open datasets for 6G-NTN data driven radio access networks

This deliverable will contain the available datasets for developing ML-based radio access techniques to be developed both in task 4.1 and task 4.2. The data will be based on both owned partners data and public available datasets. Available testbeds will be used for generating the datasets related to the different data-driven procedures. Led by Task 4.2.


Federated Cell-Free MIMO in Non-Terrestrial Networks Architectures and Performance

Auteurs: Alessandro Guidotti: ALessandro Vanelli-Coralli: Carla Amatetti:
Publié dans: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2024, ISSN 1557-9603
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/TAES.2024.3362769

Federated Beamforming with Subarrayed Planar Arrays for B5G/6G LEO Non-Terrestrial Networks

Auteurs: M. Rabih Dakkak; Daniel Gaetano Riviello; Alessandro Guidotti; Alessandro Vanelli–Coralli
Publié dans: 2024 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2024, ISSN 1558-2612
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/WCNC57260.2024.10571202

Analysis of Graph-based User Scheduling For Ka-Band LEO NTN Systems

Auteurs: Daniel Gaetano Riviello;Bilal Ahmad;Bruno De Filippo;Alessandro Guidotti;Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli
Publié dans: 28th Ka and Broadband Communications Conference and the 40th International Communications Satellite Systems Conference, ICSSC 2023, 2023, ISSN 2573-6124
Éditeur: FGM Events LLC

NTN: from 5G NR to 6G

Auteurs: Mohamad Sayed Hassan; Chiranjib Saha; Ji Lianghai; Alberto Rico Alvarino; Jun Ma; Le Liu; Qiang Wu
Publié dans: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WiSEE), 2023, ISSN 2380-7636
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/WiSEE58383.2023.10289427

Open Datasets for Satellite Radio Resource Control

Auteurs: Shahid, Husnain; Miguel Ángel Vázquez; Henarejos, Pol; Shaat, Musbah; Nuria Candelaria Trujillo Quijada; Enrique Marín
Publié dans: 2023
Éditeur: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10057901

O-RAN based Non-Terrestrial Networks: Trends and Challenges

Auteurs: Riccardo Campana, Carla Amatetti, Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli
Publié dans: (c) EuCNC & 6G Summit 2023, June 2023, 2023, ISBN 979-8-3503-1102-0
Éditeur: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/EuCNC/6GSummit58263.2023.10188308

Open Datasets for AI-Enabled Radio Resource Control in Non-Terrestrial Networks

Auteurs: Husnain Shahid; Miguel Ángel Vázquez; Laurent Reynaud; Fanny Parzysz; Musbah Shaat
Publié dans: 2023 IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF), 2023, ISSN 2770-7679
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/FNWF58287.2023.10520488

"Improved Graph-based User Scheduling for Sum-Rate Maximization in LEO-NTN Systems"", 1st IEEE ICASSP Signal and Data Processing for Next Generation Satellites (SDPNGS)"

Auteurs: Bilal Ahmad, Daniel Gaetano Riviello, Alessandro Guidotti, Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli
Publié dans: (C) Satellite Workshops at the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, June 2023, 2023, ISBN 979-8-3503-0261-5
Éditeur: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSPW59220.2023.10193499

Assessment of Beamforming Algorithms with Subarrayed Planar Arrays for B5G/6G LEO Non-Terrestrial Networks

Auteurs: M. Rabih Dakkak; Daniel Gaetano Riviello; Alessandro Guidotti; Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli
Publié dans: European Wireless 2023; 28th European Wireless Conference, 2023, ISBN 978-3-8007-6225-5
Éditeur: VDE

Emerging Advancements in 6G NTN Radio Access Technologies: An Overview

Auteurs: Husnain Shahid; Carla Amatetti; Riccardo Campana; Sorya Tong; Dorin Panaitopol; Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli Unibo, Italy
Publié dans: EuCNC24, 2024, ISSN 2575-4912
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/EuCNC/6GSummit60053.2024.10597037

RAN Functional Splits in NTN: Architectures and Challenges

Auteurs: Campana, Riccardo; Amatetti, Carla; Vanelli-Coralli, Alessandro
Publié dans: 2023
Éditeur: Cornell University
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2309.14810

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