The IP Project will improve the integration of ports into intermodal transport chains by harmonising administrational procedures and offering a set of information and communication (ICT) tools and services for easing the mandatory data supply as well as the data delivery to other partners in the chain. This will be done by integrating results of previously successful RTD projects and industrial strength solutions into a large scale demonstration covering 20 of the major seaports all over Europe (from Finland to Greece). IP is a combined RTD/Demonstration project for the Task 2.3.2/2 "Innovative Waterborne Transport Concepts" of the 1st Call for the 5th Framework Programme, Thematic Programme "Competitive and Sustainable Growth", Key Action "Sustainable Mobility and Intermodality".
Data not availableCall for proposal
First Call - GR
See other projects for this call
Funding Scheme
Data not availableCoordinator