The proposal aims to increase the cooperation between national governments and agencies from Member States (MS) to strengthen the impact of their national programmes on international cooperation in science and technology (S&T) with third countries. INCONET will pave the way to enable national managers and decision makers to increase the, up to now, very weak level of co-operation among the international cooperation activities in S&T of the European Union MS. So far, there is not yet a mechanism for transnational coordination between international cooperation activities at national level and the INCO programme (Sixth Framework Programme, FP6). Therefore, the participation of INCO target countries in the first call for proposals in 2003 has been very limited. The partners are already collaborating in a multilateral regional programme of cooperation in S&T (CYTED, Science and Technology for Development) in co-operation with 19 national programmes of Latin-American countries. The Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (MCYT) is managing the National Programme of International Cooperation in S&T, funding international cooperation activities in S&T.INCONET will first study the characteristics of the international cooperation programmes in S&T of MS, trying to identify additional countries interested in coordinating their national activities. A workshop of national managers together with other stakeholders will be organised, exploring the possibilities for joint transnational research activities in selected groups of target countries (Latin-America,..) as well as to improve the synergies between the INCO programme and the national programmes. An ERA-NET Coordination Action will be prepared to improve the coherence and coordination of international cooperation activities, thus contributing to the international dimension of the European Research Area.
Call for proposal
See other projects for this call
Funding Scheme
SSA - Specific Support ActionCoordinator