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Content archived on 2024-06-16

Systems Analysis Environment for the Integration of Renewable Energy with De-central Water and Power Production in Mediterranean Partner Countries

Final Report Summary - RESYSproDESAL (Systems Analysis Environment for the Integration of Renewable Energy with De-central Water and Power Production in Mediterranean Partner Countries)

'Systems Analysis Environment for the Integration of Renewable Energy with De-central Water and Power Production for Mediterranean Partner Countries' (RESYSproDESAL) project aimed to transfer to Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) and disseminate know-how and tools for systems analysis on the appropriate integration of renewable energy (RE) technologies with de-central water and power services under local conditions of MPC.

The action scope comprised:

- exemplary studies on the integration of (hybrid) RE conversion with combined water and power supply to villages and rural areas;
- identification of opportunities and conditions for economically and socially sustainable deployment of hybrid RE technologies in MPC;
- training and capacity building in MPC institutions for integrated water and power point (IWPP) assessment services under local socio-economic conditions;
- dissemination of results through the networks of the European Desalination Society (EDS) and Middle East Desalination Research Center (MEDRC) covering the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

The central task of the Specific Support Action (SSA) is the equipping of MPC-partner institutions with:

- knowledge on the principles of IWPP concepts and appropriate water treatment and RE technologies
- access and user guidance to the general systems analysis tool RESYSproDESAL for technical and economic assessment of de-central IWPP projects.

The capacity building was oriented to planning and assessment services and included training of the participants in using RESYSproDESAL for exemplary case studies in their countries.