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Content archived on 2024-06-16

Media, Science and Society: Governance and Engagement in Europe


The MESSENGER programme will develop the existing Guidelines on Science and Health Communication, produced in order to give them Europe-wide salience, provenance and acceptance. To ensure acceptance of the principles and methods to be embodied in the new Guidelines, substantial consultation will be undertaken with relevant stakeholders, actors and representatives of civil society organisations, as well as the science and technology communities. The European Guidelines will promote additional dialogue betwe en scientists and journalists, influence the way scientific advice is communicated through the media in Europe and stimulate EC-funded scientists to communicate the implications of their work to wider publics in understandable ways. Briefing and training m aterials for scientists will be produced that take into account the varying roles and styles of the media in EU member and candidate states. The Guidelines and associated documents will be relevant for inclusion in journalism education and training and th is role will actively be promoted. To aid these objectives additional materials will be provided in the form of support and briefing documents, teaching materials, etc. This mainstreaming activity will generate further cross-fertilisation between the Sci ence and Society programme and the ERA benchmarking activities, especially those related to the promotion of RTD culture, improved communication and public awareness of science. The primary methods to be employed combine analysis of science reporting in the media across EU member states with consultation involving a broad spectrum of civil society bodies and organisations. Such consultation will be designed to encourage greater degrees of informed participation by civil society in the development and ro ll-out of the Guidelines and associated actions. MESSENGER brings together a complementary partnership between SIRC and ASCoR and cross-cuts existing initiatives.

Call for proposal

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EU contribution
No data
Total cost
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Participants (1)