Methodology and tool developed in this project will be powerful, practical, objective related, validated and result oriented. Powerful: a strong partnership involving New Member States establishes the transnational network. The lean management structure e nsures consensus building, in particular on a new enlarged view on "innovation with firms at the core". Profit is taken from the enormous experience of partners through their participation in former European projects (Thematic Networks, RIS/RITTS processes , INTERREG). Practical: the real stakeholders of the partner regions are involved. The inter-regional dimension of the platform gives a clear benefit to all partners. This guarantees useful results that are applicable throughout European regions. Objective related: transfer of the inter-regional benchmarking tool on a transnational platform encourages exchange and gives access to good practise. Long-term effects of the RIS/RITTS processes on the regional performance are identified and documented. Influence of the type of regional innovation support infrastructure is verified. Validated: the scientific ground of the methodology and the screening of indicators guarantee a practical applicable set. Data collection starts with a contextual analysis to clarif y the particularities of the drivers (firms) and providers (innovation actors). Comparing historic and current data gives insight in the appropriateness of RIS/RITTS process. Data processing results in a graphical view on the regional performance. Comparis on allows inter-regional benchmarking. Explanatory analysis figures out underlying reasons for differences. Result oriented: achievements of RIS/RITTS programme are verified. Deployment of the conclusions is realized through policy recommendations and cont inuous dissemination. Regional innovation support infrastructure and innovation policies are improved. Positive impact on the economic, social and environmental situation of regions is highly expected.
Fields of science
Not validated
Not validated
Call for proposal
See other projects for this call
Funding Scheme
SSA - Specific Support ActionCoordinator