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Content archived on 2024-04-15

Therapy Adviser for Oncology


The TAO project aimed to evaluate the effects consequent on the introduction of a knowledge-based system to advise on the chemotherapy of lung cancer. A therapy adviser for oncology, TAO, was to be developed, to provide chemotherapy, patient and other information in response to interactive queries by doctors.
The early phase of the project was concerned with the refinement of knowledge bases, the construction of the patient-specific database and the design of the man-machine interface.
The second phase of the project consisted mainly of the implementation of the knowledge and inference architecture, using a skeletal system already developed by one of the partners.
The final phase focused on the evaluation of the system in the context of its use in a domain where heavy reliance is already placed on data analysis techniques. This took into account the attitude of staff and patients and the impact of the tool on work practices, against measures of efficiency, safety, and costs. The description of the evaluation scheme was an early deliverable.
The modern management of the treatment of cancer requires the physician to follow complex therapy protocols and to respond with precision and expertise to changes in the patient's condition. Computers are routinely used for oncology protocol data analysis and management. However, most do not directly facilitate the physician's treatment decision process.

The project aimed to evaluate the effects consequent on the introduction of a knowledge based system to advise on thechemotherapy of lung cancer. A therapy adviser for oncology, TAO, was developed, to provide chemotherapy, patient and other information in response to interactive queries by doctors. The early phase of the project was concerned with the refinement of knowledge bases, the construction of the patient specific database and the design of the man machine interface. The second phase of the project consisted mainly of the implementation of the knowledge and inference architecture, using a skeletal system. The final phase focused on the evaluation of the system in the context of its use in a domain where heavy reliance is already placed on data analysis techniques. This took into account the attitude of staff and patients and the impact of the tool on work practices, against measures of efficiency, safety, and costs. System building tools were ported to the project for the implementation of TAO on the MIKIC system. Two preliminary implementations of modules of the knowledge based system using different tools were demonstrated. Human computer interaction and graphic interfaces were specified and implemented. Three hospitals were chosen for the validation of the system, located in England, France and Spain, and a statement of the evaluation criteria and an analysis of the operational environment produced.
The system-building tools developed in project 387 (KRITIC) were ported by Framentec to the project for the implementation of TAO on the MIKIC system. Two preliminary implementations of modules of the knowledge-based system using different tools were demonstrated. HCI and graphic interfaces were specified and implemented.
Three hospitals were chosen for the validation of the system, located in England, France and Spain, and a statement of the evaluation criteria and an analysis of the operational environment produced.
Scientific links were established with the ONCOCIN project at Stanford University.
By its provision of evaluation methodologies and by reporting experience of their use, the outcome of this project has enlarged knowledge of the design and introduction of successful techno-medical knowledge-based systems. Such an evaluation both of expert systems in themselves and of their performance in an operational environment is a prerequisite to their use in industry.
The project provided a demanding testbed for the system building tools from KRITIC.
A study in a Madrid hospital is evaluating TAO in a clinical environment.


Data not available

Call for proposal

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Funding Scheme

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Meterquest Ltd
EU contribution
No data
Deacon House 56 Old Church Street
SW3 5BS London
United Kingdom

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (4)