The overall aim of this Co-ordination Action is both, firstly, to anticipate the societal and ethical issues likely to arise as nanobiotechnologies develop and, secondly, to use the lessons from the European GM debate to respond pro-actively and responsib ly to the probable public, media and political concerns. This is an interdisciplinary ethics research and communication project with the objectives to: - bring together the key relevant players in the field including committed ethicists, social scientist s, nanobiotechnologists, communication specialists, SMEs and major companies using nanobiotechnology, - horizon-scan for the scientific and commercial developments likely to cause public and political concern - clarify the ethical issues involved or as they arise, and recommend and carry out strategies for public communication to address the emerging questions - take on board the experiences and lessons learned from the European GM debate of the last decade and apply them with this project to the na nobiotechnology discussions - incorporate the recommendations of the European Commission's Communication "Towards a European Strategy for Nanotechnology" and the results of its current Nanoforum public consultation which surveys European public opinion on these issues - prepare for the relevant actions in the European Commission's Action Plan for Nanotechnology to be published in 2005 and the Technology Platform on Nanotechnology foreseen in its Seventh Framework Programme commencing in 2007 The p roject will implement these objectives by means of: - an expert group, on-line forum & bibliographic database - horizon scanning workshops - public opinion focus group discussions - ethics & public communication courses for nanobiotechnologists - briefing papers for specific audiences, ethics lecturers, professional public relations and website - support to foreseen EC Nanotechnology Action Plan & FP7 Technology Platform activities
Call for proposal
See other projects for this call
Funding Scheme
CA - Coordination actionCoordinator