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Content archived on 2024-05-29

ALADDIN-Mobile Destination-Management for SME's


European SME in the tourism and travel industry in the destination area are facing serious challenges from large international companies. Incoming-Tour-Operator, tourist offices, restaurants, museums are typically SME's which need to provide different services for the same customer, the tourist, in an cost efficient but attractive way. Optimised tour-transfer-setups, tailored offerings, the handling of last-time changes for hotel-bookings are for Incoming Agencies the key issues to bear with the near future upcoming trends of mixed individual / group travelling and highly volatile business-processes (last-minute-bookings and changes of hotels and flights) that will increase the process-complexity and therefore the costs. In Addition due to the rapid growth of mobile terminals (smart-phones, pocket-pc's) there will be also an substantial mobile marketplace for leisure services in the destination area but highly different device-types make it almost unaffordable for Service SME's in the destination to participate in that new mobile marketplace.

Aladdin aims at developing a mobile destination system that combines both, the provisioning of a Mobile Incoming Tour Operator workspace and a Mobile Content- and Service-Management for Destinations. The Aladdin Destination Management System will provide on the one hand incoming tour operators with an optimised and cost-efficient mobile workspace that supports their business-processes and allows small companies to compete with larger incoming-tour-operators and on the other hand aims to allow SME's in the destination, such as local service and commercial companies, to offer their services and content in an attractive and easy accessible way to the customers. Thereby Aladdin will consider different usage scenarios, having in mind on one side an ageing society with the growing demand for safety, on the other side a young generation with their well-established mobile behaviour.

Call for proposal

See other projects for this call

Funding Scheme



EU contribution
No data
Total cost
No data

Participants (10)