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Content archived on 2024-06-16

WOMEN in COnstruction scientific REsearch


The overall objective of the WOMEN-CORE project is to Strengthening Women scientists? participation in Construction Research in Europe by means of: enhancing the knowledge of Women and their influence in Construction Research, identification of main resear ch areas attractive from Women's perspective, identification and assessment of gender-specific needs of R&D in Construction Sector, exploring new opportunities and anticipating tendencies for empowering Women in Construction Research, providing recomme ndations for empowering Women in Construction Research, disseminating results and establishing a network of Women scientist in construction. The objectives will be reached through a work plan that incorporates the following WPs (WP6 is dedicated to managem ent) The first WP will serve to set up the basis for the research work to be conducted. It will be based on collecting and analysing quantitative and qualitative sources of information to define and make an overall assessment of the availability and accur acy of existing data related to Women in construction research. WP2 will be focused on exploiting existing sources of information related to Women in construction research. WP3 will be focused on exploiting new sources of information related to Women in co nstruction research. The results of this WP2 and WP3 will be a crucial input for improving the knowledge base of Women in construction research. WP4 will provide the driving forces, new opportunities and Recommendations to empower Women in Construction Res earch and WP5 will permit the awareness and the dissemination of project results. The consortium has 6 partners: FUNDACIÓN LABEIN (Spain), CIREM (Spain), CEWS (Germany), CIFS (Denmark), CVUT (Czech Republic) and Loughborough University (UK). WOMEN-CORE c ontributes to the activities supported by the Work Programme for Specific Targeted Research Projects namely: PARTC - Stepping up the Science/Society dialogue and Women in Science, 4.3.5 and

Call for proposal

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EU contribution
No data
Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia, Calle Geldo, Edificio 700

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Total cost
No data

Participants (6)