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Contenu archivé le 2024-06-16

AGV nAvigation system based on flexible and innovatiVE UWB positioning


The AGAVE project overall objective is the development of an advanced guidance system for Automatic Guided Vehicles, focusing on a next generation positioning system development, allowing indoor and outdoor goods transportation within the warehouse through a flexible material handling system. The AGAVE system is a free-range system allowing a high level of optimisation in the routes to be executed, being its performances superior to those currently available on the market. It will be an integrated system easily adaptable to production environment changes and able to improve the overall quality, reducing the total lead-time.

The following outcomes are expected:
1) A stand-alone plug-in positioning system, based on UltraWideBand technology, exploiting computational hardware commercialised by the company TimeDomain, with a time to market of about 15 months after project completion.
2) A navigation system, installed onboard, based on the improvement of the existing systems.
3) An integrated software for fleet management, route optimisation and integration with operating machines, installed on a fixed host.

The AGAVE system main technical advantages are:
- operate in a very wide warehouse (average indoor route: 150-200 m)
- realise a very flexible system, easily adaptable to outdoor applications (expected average route: 4-5 Km)
- be compatible with all AGV configurations, even platform carriers, which is currently impossible with laser based positioning systems
- be compatible with all warehouse layouts, with narrow corridors or the occupation of the overhead volume now kept free to ensure line of sight conditions for laser systems
- be easily manageable and configurable through an advanced user interface
- well automate goods transportation logistic phase, ensuring a smooth functioning of the pick and drop phases, in order to reduce the total lead-time of the entire industrial process.

Appel à propositions

Voir d’autres projets de cet appel

Régime de financement

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Contribution de l’UE
Aucune donnée
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (8)