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Development and validation of Direct-Fed Microbials for farm animals to improve animal growth and better nourish the planet

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Aviwell (Development and validation of Direct-Fed Microbials for farm animals to improve animal growth and better nourish the planet)

Période du rapport: 2022-12-01 au 2023-11-30

Food security is a critical and growing concern for many of the 8 billion people on the planet.

Existing agri-food strategies to increase livestock production (especially poultry) – namely genetic selection, growth hormones, antibiotics, and other resource-intensive activities represent neither sustainable nor long-term solutions to the problem. Rather, current utilization of cropland resources to feed farm animals is increasing at alarming rates worldwide, and has dramatically increased water irrigation requirements, CO2 emissions, chemical pollution rates (e.g. pesticides, fertilizers) and deforestation. Moreover, livestock production efficiencies have plateaued. Fortunately, new strategies driven by digital and life science advances, are available. Aviwell will create a more environmentally friendly and sustainable approach for increasing livestock production to address food security and help eradicate world hunger.

Aviwell’s unique innovation is based on our:

i) Native and adaptive biomimicry approach
ii) Discovery Platform based on proprietary biostatistical algorithms, and
iii) Extensive microbiology and physiology expertise
First, we measure the biological diversity of a commercially important phenotype via deep genetic sequencing of microbiota and multi-omics analysis (e.g. FCR in broilers). Next, our Discovery Platform identifies powerful multi-strain bacterial consortia networks that when provided to the animal, alters the trajectory of the gut microbiome development to promote the targeted phenotype. Thereafter, we manufacture and administer our DFM consortia, that positively affects the phenotype in the animal. Aviwell has proven our innovation in multiple in-house studies.

Aviwell can revolutionize the efficacy, efficiency, and cost structure of the agriculture Industry in a more sustainable manner.

Aviwell will develop and sell DFMs that significantly improve commercially desirable animal growth and performance phenotypes such as Food Conversion Ratio (FCR) with both high efficiency and efficacy – resulting in greater food supply at a lower cost.

Aviwell will also commercialize its Discovery Platform to develop DFMs for other phenotypes and species to provide additional value to the agri-food market.
Aviwell has made significant progress towards are overall project goals. Specifically, Aviwell has established key partnerships with world leading research institutions, strengthened our Intellectual Property portfolio (filed three patents, and expanded our know-how and trade secrets.) Aviwell has engaged with several customers and partners and is conducting product demonstration trials in Europe and the Americas.
Aviwell is in the early stages of development. We have excellent preliminary results and are currently validating these results. To continue on wards, we require further research, demonstration, access to markets and finance, commercialization, IPR support, internationalization, supportive regulatory
Aviwell R&D
Aviwell R&D