The main objective of the PARIS project is to contribute in raising awareness on the role and the impact of the profession of the researcher in Greece in regional and national level aiming to foster the public support for the researcher?s profession and attracting more young people into research careers. The target groups are research community, students, industry, Government, Local Authorities and public in general. The duration of the project is 6 months. A consortium of 12 partners, universities, research organizations, public television channel ERT-3, the Greek Mobility Centres Network, Technology Museum of Thessaloniki, under the coordination of GSRT, the national research policy organization will undertake the project implementation. To achieve the aforementioned objectives the project will focus on the following awareness activities: Activities in national level (science weeks, media), in local level (school visits, symposia, workshops, info-days, exhibitions, seminars), development of a portal as mean for a dialogue between science and society, dissemination of projects results The expected results are summarized as follows: Effective awareness, arising people?s sensitivity in researcher?s problems, Encouragement of the establishment of a dialogue between scientific, research, industrial world and public, Attraction of the young people in professions related to the new sciences and innovative technologies, Support of the innovation spirit especially among the youngsters, Promotion of the better understanding among the general public of the catalytic role of research and technology in contemporary societies. Finally, it has to be emphasized that the objectives of PARIS project are in line with the general objective of HRM EC policy and the ?2005 Researchers in Europe Initiative?. It provides also synergies with PYTHEAS project, an under implementation FP-6 project, related to the development and the operation of the Greek National Mobility Centres Network.
Call for proposal
See other projects for this call
Funding Scheme
SSA - Specific Support ActionCoordinator