The Consortium formed by the Institute of Molecular Medicine and Associação Viver a Ciência aim through this project to promote science by involving the public in scientific research. In this proposal, we set out a series of four actions throughout 2005 ai med at promoting support for and awareness of scientific research in Portugal. These actions are aimed at influencing opinions at all levels, from government to the mass media and the public in general. We plan to target in particular the Portuguese Parli amentary Commission for Science and Education, a cross party committee with the purpose of promoting the interests of the scientific community in Portugal. Of the nine members of this committee, none have any scientific training and consequently they remai n removed from the reality of life as a scientific researcher and the problems faced by Portuguese scientists today. We will bring together scientists and politicians at a series of separate events, culminating in a final presentation of results achieved to the media which will subsequently impact on the general public. We will also produce a high quality booklet of contemporary Portuguese scientific discoveries, to serve as an instrument for several meetings with politicians where we plan to introduce s ome of the leading figures of Portuguese science and their work. The booklet will then be distributed among targeted sectors of the general public. This will serve as a tool to raise awareness of the contribution of science to society and will be presented at the final event.
Palabras clave
Convocatoria de propuestas
Consulte otros proyectos de esta convocatoria
Régimen de financiación
SSA - Specific Support ActionCoordinador