Specific Objectives
The objective of this project is to develop, test, calibrate and validate methodology, equipment and software for use by the IAEA inspectors, to train the IAEA staff in the technologies involved, and to support IAEA exploring new technologies or approaches.
Specific objectives for 2002 include:
- Functional testing in PERLA and training for NDA and URM equipment (on a per request basis);
- Follow-up of the Trilateral Workshop: new experimental campaigns to be decided at the workshop (December 2001);
- Training courses for IAEA inspectors: mass and volume measurements;
- Technical assistance relating to final design, installation and acceptance testing of the safeguards system in Rokkasho Mura, Japan. Particularly with respect to solution monitoring systems;
- Development of an engineered prototype integrating a laser range finder with a digital camera system as used for unattended surveillance; the scope is to counter a possible tampering of the scene in front of an IAEA surveillance camera;
- Application of test procedures developed for the characterisation of scene change detection in surveillance images;
- Development of a new version of the common IAEA/ESO test procedure for environmental testing of safeguards equipment;
- Further development of the GIS based system for supporting verification of Additional Protocol (AP) declarations: development of first production version of system; development of interface with the IAEA's APS (Additional Protocol System); development of interface with IAEA's open source management tools;
- Development of information profiles from open source on nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear equipment manufacturers (as per NSG and AP annexes), nuclear infrastructure and R&D for selected countries.
Planned Deliverables
Specific deliverables to DGs:
A detailed list of tasks and related deliverables is established in dialogue with IAEA and updated -n a yearly basis. The specific deliverables are confidential. Below are some highlights.
- Training courses in PERLA and in TAME;
- Test reports for NDA and URM equipment (on a per request basis);
- The safeguards system in Rokkasho Mura, Japan. Particularly our contribution the solution monitoring system;
- Unattended surveillance system with laser range finder and digital camera;
- Report on test procedures developed for the characterisation of scene change detection in surveillance images;
- New version of the common IAEA/ESO test procedure for environmental testing of safeguards equipment;
- Operational GIS based system for supporting verification of Additional Protocol (AP) declarations installed at IAEA;
- Reports on use of open source data for deriving country profiles.
As a result of the research:
Methods, software and instruments for assisting safeguards inspectors. Training courses.
Summary of 2001 Deliverables: 31/12/2001
The project is composed of a set of tasks agreed with the customer. Each task has a "task sheet" in which the details of the deliverables and milestones are given. The task sheets are updated on a regular basis. New task sheets may be requested.
The main achievements for the task sheets active in 2001 are given below:
- Design and construction of tank solution monitoring systems: a new task sheet on the Rokkasho facility in Japan was started;
- Nuclear material solution accountancy and verification training: a course was held for IAEA participants. The course was supplemented with an improved data evaluation method for calibration data and solution monitoring analysis. This method was tested in TAME during the course;
- Support was given to the technical aspects in the implementation of the Trilateral Agreement on the dismantling of nuclear warheads. A technical workshop and experimental campaign in PERLA will be held to demonstrate feasibility of measurements with "information barrier" (postponed to December 2001);
- Test campaigns were held in PERLA for performance evaluation of different multiplicity analysers;
- Qualification testing of new safeguards equipment: environmental and electromagnetic tests and test reports on TRFS seals, ALIP portable surveillance systems, Field Spec radiation measurement system;
- Mapping of nuclear sites using commercial satellite imagery (site inspection tool):Installation at IAEA headquarter of a prototype GIS based site inspection tool. Test of the system with IAEA data;
- Study of ultrasonic sealing system for LWR MOX fuel assemblies;
- Characterisation of scene change detection algorithms. Definition of testing procedures and scenarios to test the algorithms;
- Laboratory prototype integrating an IAEA digital surveillance camera with a laser range finder.
Output Indicators and Impact
A very strong relationship exists with the customer. This project is managed through task sheets that each has a task officer at IAEA. The task sheets are reviewed at an annual review meeting of the European support program to the IAEA.
There is an increasing request from IAEA to extend the support we provide e.g. with respect to the Rokkasho facility, to the GIS and open source work.
The request to host the technical workshop of the Trilateral Initiative is another very important indicator of the credibility the JRC has with the IAEA.
Summary of the project
This project is organised around a number of task sheets coordinated with the IAEA. The current task sheets cover the following fields:
- Development, testing and installation of mass and volume measurement equipment, and training of inspectors in the use of mass and volume measurement equipment;
- Non destructive assay (NDA): testing and calibration of calorimetry and gamma spectroscopy equipment, organisation of training courses for inspectors;
- Development and testing of surveillance and 3D visualisation equipment;
- Production of transponder based seals.
- Qualification testing of instruments and devices used by the inpectors;
- Study on the use of commercial satellite imagery for safeguards purposes.
This work concerns the technical support that the JRC provides to IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) in the field of safeguards.
The IAEA is confronted with technical problems related to the independent verification of State declarations on stocks and movement of nuclear materials world-wide. Furthermore, new issues are raised as a result of the allocation of new tasks to the IAEA in the framework of the Strengthening of Safeguards Systems, and in the framework of control of excess weapons materials. The JRC, based on its longstanding experience of providing technical support to safeguards inspectors and on its multi-disciplinary nature, will continue to support the IAEA on a number of technical areas listed below.
The work is covered by the IAEA - European Commission co-operation agreement and in accordance with the spirit of the "New Partnership Approach" between IAEA and EU.
Fields of science
- engineering and technologyelectrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineeringelectronic engineeringsensorsoptical sensors
- engineering and technologymechanical engineeringvehicle engineeringaerospace engineeringsatellite technology
- natural scienceschemical sciencesanalytical chemistrycalorimetry
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringenergy and fuels
- natural sciencesphysical sciencesopticslaser physics
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
JRC - Joint Research Centre researchCoordinator